cloutierj — Snowdrops

#cloutier #snowdrops #vase #cloutierj
Published: 2022-11-10 21:07:34 +0000 UTC; Views: 205; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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Description This one was going to be simple...
It ended up being two reduction blocks, with masking.  (One block for flowers, leaves, and vase, another for the background.)  One problem with reduction printing is that it's hard to know just how dark to make the initial color runs.  They so often look too light, once the darker colors have been printed.  But by then, the light colors have been carved away, so it's too late to fix things.  This time, I used colored pencil to darken the leaves just a little bit.

6 x 8", on mulberry paper
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