CobaltClaw19 — Xeno-Bugs - Kou Guld Verdana Alexandria [NSFW]

#army #beetle #bio #bug #cobaltclaw #general #hisui #insect #kou #male #oc #redhead #xeno #elephantbeetle #xenobug #arthropod
Published: 2021-03-03 23:14:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 8813; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 0
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A re-tune and finalizing of the first of the three Xeno Generals, who is also Hisui's uncle.

Little sketch too, for fun.

= = =

Name: Kou Guld Verdana Alexandria
Age: 49
Birthday: August 10th

The uncle of noble-born Hisui Verdana, and one of the top ranking Generals in the Xeno-army. Born to the "House of Green", Kou is also a noble, with an affinity for Light.

Kou is silent, intimidating, imposing, and above all else, he is dangerous. His strength is feared among the lower ranking officers, as the only one who is known to rival Kou's strength is his now-retired rival; Alcides. If Kou partakes in a battle: Run or get crushed. Or stupidly rush at him and get severly punished for it.

Similar to his niece, when Kou is in-person and relaxed, allowed to just be himself, he is a cheery and energetic person. He might be a bit loud and boastful, but he has a heart of gold and means well for all of his friends, all the kids that look up to him, and more. A people's champion.

Tora has a crush on him.

Being an Elephant Beetle Xeno part of the Noble Family, Kou has a natural born multi-facet ability, much like all the Noble-Born. But unique to Kou, is his learned ability to utilize TWO attributes. He naturally knows how to use Light, and over the years, he learned to utilize Thunder as well.

Kou's first ability allows him to solidify his body to add more impact to his attacks, and also take more attacks himself. His body is ironclad, in other words.

His second ability utilizes the Thunder Affinity, letting Kou charge any weaponry he is holding, giving the weapons an electric affinity as well. Naturally, he can also release a surge of electricity from his body, not just through his weapons. By combining this with his Ironclad ability, the opponent takes considerable amounts of damage each time they strike Kou. He often uses this to charge kids' toys and devices, which is a point to his popularity.

His third and most powerful ability, is the full mastery of the Light Affinity, which Hisui is still learning to use. Kou is able to bend and use light as a weapon. While this is extremely taxing, it's also one of the strongest weapons and aces in the hole of the Xeno Army. Kou's trademark use of the ability is to bend light and give him the appearance of an "asura" with six arms, and actually move and strike hard enough that one strike does feel like six seperate ones. This mode is the ultimate close-combat weapon.

= = =

That is all

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Picgirls01 [2021-03-08 16:56:48 +0000 UTC]

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Skeppio [2021-03-04 00:32:00 +0000 UTC]

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crb145 [2021-03-03 23:17:38 +0000 UTC]

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