Xander Mobus: Welcome to Super Smash ZZZZOOOO!!!!!!
Tiger: Great Tiger (Punch Out)
Elephant: Shantae (Shantae Series)
Giraffe: Dr. Stewart (F-Zero)
Crocodile: Gharnef (Fire Emblem Series) (He as Gharial)
Lion: Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy VII)
Gorilla: Raymond Bryce (Disaster: Day of Crisis)
Eagle: Ken Masters (Street Fighter Series)
Etc: Linebeck (The Legend of Zelda Series) (He as Tiger Shark)
Punch Out, F-Zero, Fire Emblem, Disaster: Day of Crisis and The Legend of Zelda by Nintendo
Shantae by Wayforward
Final Fantasy by Square-Enix
Street Fighter by Capcom
Meme by RoyalClaws12