CrisisDragonfly — .: Mirai :.

Published: 2012-02-16 22:44:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 1131; Favourites: 32; Downloads: 14
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Description Finally finished.
Not entirely satisfied with the coloring, but I'm tired of fixing things.

Name: Mirai Elora Lucien
Gender: Female

Age: Physically she can be any age she chooses, most commonly late teens/early twenties
Species/Race: Chimera
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Purple

Known Family:
Mirage (mother)
Raiz (father)
Crisis (aunt)
Kage (uncle)
Myrana (aunt)
Leon (uncle)
Lucifer (grandfather)
Kira (cousin)
Kari (cousin)


Food (any kind)

Wearing skimpy clothing

Personality: Modest and polite. She never says a bad word against anyone. Firmly against violence and fighting, Mirai usually doesn't get involved in squabbles and battles.

Power: Complete control over space and time, ability to travel between dimensions. Her body exists outside of time - she never grows old.
While she can die, it isn't permanent. She is soon reborn as an infant and must grow up as a mortal again until she regains her memories and regains control of her power once more.
She also as a feral form, appearing to be a small black housecat with wings


Mirai was conceived during Mirage's main storyline. Mirage was unaware that she was pregnant when she went to fight off the corrupt existing god, and when she defeated him, his power transferred to her. As it works in her world, the power of a god is either transferred willingly or upon defeat.

After obtaining the old god's power, Mirage became the new god and had to maintain the position for a period of time. Using that time, she righted all of the wrongs that her predecessor had done. During this time as a goddess, Mirage gave birth to her only daughter, Mirai. A small fair skinned child with dark hair, violet eyes, raven wings, the ears of a wolf, and the tail of a cat. The child's father, Raiz, took her back to the underworld with him so that he could watch over her while Mirage finished what she needed to do.

When all was as it should be, Mirage gave up her godhood to a deserving angel who she believed would do a better job of it than herself and returned to the underworld to live out the rest of her life with her family. Unfortunately, something unexpected happened.

No god had ever willingly given up their position before, so no one knew what to expect. Kiro, one of the thirteen immortals, warned Raiz that it might be possible that giving away such an immense amount of power would erase Mirage's existence from their world.
In a panic, Raiz rushed to the gates to see the just-arriving Mirage begin to fade in and out. He begged Zarathos and Kiro for a way to save her, but neither had a solution. Without thinking, he ran towards her, pulled her into his arms and released all of the seals on his power, encasing the both of them in an impenetrable crystal.

As if knowing what had happened to her parents, the young child, currently in the care of Cerinia, Kiro's housemaid, and Mirage's dear friend, let out a horrible cry that could be heard across all places in their world.
Time froze, and the world was rewritten as though Mirage and Raiz had never existed. When time resumed, a few short moments later, no one but a select few who were close to the two remembered anything about the princess and prince of the demon realm, and the young chimera was gone.

With history rewritten, some details of the story have been lost. For a long time, Mirai wandered the world as a child, eventually earning the new name Akuma. While she was known as Akuma, Mirai seemed to have no recollection of anything prior to her rebirth.

As she continued to wander, she ran into an unlikely pair. A young woman with black hair and wings, with violet eyes, and a young man with black hair, red eyes, and a scar across his face. Traveling with these two were two sisters, a pink haired bubbly one named Taealli, and a green haired, stoic one named Mimett.

This unlikely band of people had many great and many random adventures as they journeyed toward Kage's goal of defeating Lucifer under the popular impression that he was evil. As they grew fond of one another Kage and Crisis eventually adopted the young Akuma as their own.

Time passed and they managed to find Lucifer, after sealing Myrana in a shadow void in order to get past her, Kage went forth to exact his revenge.
Almost too easily, Kage destroyed Lucifer and took his place as Demon King, with Crisis as his queen. The two sisters, Mimett and Taealli, were hired as guards to protect the gates of the demon realm from possible intruders. Akuma resided in the castle with the King and Queen.

Many years passed and the king and queen had two children of their own. First, a raven-haired boy by the name of Kira, and later, a violet-haired daughter named Kari. The three children got along well for the most part.

About a year or so after Kari's birth, Crisis and Kage were called to conference with the acting goddess. Having achieved immortality after defeating Lucifer, the two were existing outside of the laws of their world and the goddess was trying to deal with that. Kage, being himself, angered the Goddess and she sealed him away in a pocket realm of nothingness, and Crisis vanished.

Kiro raised the children in place of their parents. Zarathos training Kira to someday face the goddess and save his parents.

By the time came that the children were grown, the world had broken into an all out war. The Angels vs Demons vs Humans. While this arc of the story didn't have much to do with Akuma(Mirai), she played a key roll. Having grown up alongside Kira, she'd developed quiet an attachment to him and Kira to her.

With Akuma's help, Kira was able to release his and Kari's parents from their imprisonment . Just when things couldn't get much worse, a meteor threatened to destroy the entire planet. (not kidding) Kira sacrificed himself to destroy the meteor and save the planet, stopping the war. However, the loss of Kira was too much for Akuma cradling him in her arms, she wished and wished for the power to bring him back, to save him.

As though a lock had been broken, all of her memories returned. Every memory from every life she'd lived, including her first. She remembered her parents, she remembered her name, she remembered every life she'd lived and died through after that, ever person she'd known, cared about and lost. As all of these memories resurfaced at once, it threatened to overload her and kill her for certain. Kira, present for the entire ordeal, held her and refused to let go, talking to her carefully until her rampaging power quieted and the girl fell into a deep slumber.
Kira looked over himself to see that he was completely healed, as her memories had resurfaced, so had every ounce of her power.

Together again, the unlikely family returned to their palace and the world returned to peace. They lived this way for great while, Zarathos continued his experimentation, looking for a way to free Raiz and Mirage from their crystallized state. During this, the Goddess sent an angel with useful abilities to aid him. After many trials and failures, they eventually learned what needed to be done to break the crystal.

They released Mirage and Raiz. After so long in the crystal, Mirage's power and energies had become stable and she was no longer in danger of disappearing. Mirage and Raiz were quite shocked to learn just how long they'd been sealed away, and seeing Mirai all grown up tore Mirage's heart a little. Having not been there to be a mother to her, not seeing her grow, but Raiz comforted her, it was better late than never.

The family was finally together again.

- Raiz was created by Zarathos and Lucifer. They used to power and DNA from all of the most powerful demons to create him. As such, Raiz is the closest thing that Zarathos has to a son. This is also the reason that Mirai has so many different attributes.

- Mirai outlives everyone she knows, including family and friends, besides Kiro, who is immortal.

- The only known offensive uses of her power were when she experienced some sort of great emotional trauma, such as Kage's death, during which time she created an invisible dimension, enclosing the assailant, and closed it around him, visibly crushing him.

- Her amount of power and control is to the level of a god. Many people refer to her as the goddess of time and space

Art and character (c) me

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Comments: 16

DarkSonic250 [2012-02-17 02:47:18 +0000 UTC]

Well Done!^_^ I like the Dress you did!^^ And the Hair!X3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CrisisDragonfly In reply to DarkSonic250 [2012-02-17 02:48:13 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ^.^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DarkSonic250 In reply to CrisisDragonfly [2012-02-17 02:48:37 +0000 UTC]

Your Welcome!^_^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

S-Shirogane [2012-02-16 23:29:05 +0000 UTC]

Her dress is amazing, I especially love the detail on the bottom of the dress. And her background seems pretty interesting..

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CrisisDragonfly In reply to S-Shirogane [2012-02-16 23:53:17 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much ^.^
LOL She has a very full background, just updated it. It's so long, some of it is hard to explain, but I did my best xD;

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

FirebirdPhoenix87 [2012-02-16 23:04:48 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CrisisDragonfly In reply to FirebirdPhoenix87 [2012-02-16 23:04:57 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ^.^

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

FirebirdPhoenix87 In reply to CrisisDragonfly [2012-02-16 23:09:25 +0000 UTC]

No prob.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Norieh [2012-02-16 22:50:59 +0000 UTC]

ahe's really beautiful and I love how you colored her dress

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CrisisDragonfly In reply to Norieh [2012-02-16 23:05:09 +0000 UTC]

Thanks so much >w<

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Tonythunder [2012-02-16 22:48:53 +0000 UTC]

she looks so beautiful! The colors and the shading and and the lighting on her hair and the folds of her dress all look great

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CrisisDragonfly In reply to Tonythunder [2012-02-16 23:05:17 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much =3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tonythunder In reply to CrisisDragonfly [2012-02-16 23:11:49 +0000 UTC]


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awash2002 [2012-02-16 22:48:16 +0000 UTC]

wow that is amazing

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

CrisisDragonfly In reply to awash2002 [2012-02-16 23:05:22 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

awash2002 In reply to CrisisDragonfly [2012-02-16 23:06:16 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome

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