Cygnean — Grem2- Kaiser

#closed #grem #kimber #lee #species #summers #grem2 #closedspecies
Published: 2017-08-12 07:13:31 +0000 UTC; Views: 730; Favourites: 26; Downloads: 0
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Description A beautiful grem I got in a trade for my former growl and redesigned myself. Kimber is as close to a dream grem as it gets for me at this moment. I love red, honestly, and lime green. He reminds me of an enchilada almost, or even better a mangonada. s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/7…

Name: Kaiser
Species: Grem 2 
Gender: Identifies as male, goes by he/him pronouns.
Age: 27
Height: 6'4
Masterlist Entry: #584
Occupation: N/A


Ears:  Knicked
Neck: Hood
Tail: Prehensile
Mutation: N/A
Kimber is a soft spoken, level-headed grem, and while he strives to be professional he can also become very playful and sometimes even silly when dealing with long time acquaintances and friends. He enjoys chatting with others and spending time with them yet doesn't make friends easily. Kimber is slow to anger and rather walk away from a provokation rather than act on impulse. However, he can fully defend himself both verbally and physically being a rather large and fairly sharp witted grem. 

Kimber was created as a service grem to aid humans and grems recovering from trauma. He was designed to be soft and non-threatening, despite being large (making him an ideal temporary guardian), his warmth makes him easy to approach. He adores children and is more than willing to comfort an upset child even if he has no responsibility to. While working in his original job, Kimber developed a deep curiosity on the how's and why's of the human and grem mind and eventually became a mental health counselor, though he doesn't consider it his ultimate goal for a career, he values it. While he does spend a majority of his time focused in his studies, he also has hobbies. His most prominent being boxing. Kimber picked up boxing as a means to relieve major stress during a difficult time and eventually continued pursuing it. Kimber has one close friend, who also turns out to be a work friend. His name is Quinn. 

Mate: N/A


Enemies: N/A

Grem2 are a Closed Species by MrGremble  
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Comments: 3

Dizzy-Possum [2017-08-14 03:50:33 +0000 UTC]

he is amazing
he reminds me a tangerine with that puffy around neck >3

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SEABlRD [2017-08-12 14:02:05 +0000 UTC]

wow!!! love what you did with him!! :3c looks really good!! <3

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WaxBottle [2017-08-12 07:18:56 +0000 UTC]

He came out awesome!!! now I will look up mangonada XXD

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