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Special Recognition article for September 10th, 2011
Daily Literature Deviations is proud to feature this special recognition article!
You can show your support by ing this News Article. We hope this gives you some insight into
the person behind the art.
Please comment and the features and congratulate the artist!
Artists will be featured in a special news article every Saturday. Major points to =SilverInkblot for doing the hard work and research that goes into these articles!
Today's featured deviant is:
1. Tell us a little bit about your writing. What is your creative process like?
My writing in its most basic, purest form is an attempt to extricate some of my deepest, hidden emotions that most of us struggle to fully access. Usually, we only scratch the surface and I don't feel I'm any exception to that. Scratching the surface alone can create a great piece of writing, but digging deep is what brings forth real beauty, truth and so many things we struggle to grasp. My work is constantly searching for something deeper.
My process revolves around free-writing. Regardless of whether or not my first draft is well-written or even the least bit coherent is irrelevant. I simply write and do not force or hide any emotions or ideas. After that, I tweak it appropriately. I decide whether I want the result to be a poem or a story, free-verse or fixed. Often, though, that decision has already come naturally. I work until I feel comfortable with the result. If I can't find any satisfaction, I leave it and go back to it some other day: I very rarely erase my writing entirely. Often work we initially hate can be fleshed out into something amazing at a later date.
2. Are there any authors you feel have been an influence on your work?
A lot of writers have influenced and encouraged my writing. Among them are Sylvia Plath, E.E. Cummings, Alanis Morissette (in more recent times, thanks to someone who compared one of my pieces to her music in fact) and many more.
Each of them are distinctive from a mile away, capable of creating something beautiful from potentially horrible things and they don't seem to fear being flawed. Or writing something flawed. The humanity of their work is inspiring and it's no wonder the former two writers in particular are so appreciated in the world of literature.
3. Relating back to the first question - is there a particular form you prefer? Put another way, which version of literature comes most naturally to you - poetry or prose?
Poetry comes naturally to me. I feel it's because I wrote song lyrics from a rather early age, which also resulted in me rapidly developing an interest in poetry.
I usually write in free-verse if you want me to be more specific: I like having freedom. However, I still enjoy experimenting with fixed poetry and have a soft spot for Haiku.
Even my prose is poetic. The vast majority of the prose I have written could be re-drafted into a poem quite easily.
4. Tell us about your "Daily Lit. Deviant" Project!
The concept is self-explanatory: The aim is to feature one writer daily worthy of appreciation.
The idea is a mash-up of DailyLitDeviations and theWrittenRevolution 's "Featured Member" Blogs. I always loved both projects and wondered why there wasn't an article dedicated to showcasing one brilliant writer on a daily basis in a similar format. Then I thought, "Why don't I just do it myself?"
So I did. I'm glad I made that decision, because it has turned out to be a hugely enjoyable project.
5. How has deviantART itself influenced your writing?
This site has been amazing. I'm indebted to deviantART and its many lovely deviants.
I'm the only person in my family that writes and that likes poetry. Growing up, I lived with my aunt and she criticized my fondness for poetry. She marginally supported me when I wrote short stories, but she never even gave my poetry a chance. The same applies to most of my family. I felt quite alone as a result, not being able to talk about my favourite poets with anyone or discuss my own work.
My English teachers were very helpful and fully supportive, but as you would expect they were often busy. I didn't want to turn to them whenever I needed constructive criticism, because it was so often.
Eventually, at the age of fifteen, I found deviantART. Admittedly, I spent about two and a half (or more) years mainly lurking. However, once I became more active I never looked back. The amount of advice, information and love I found here was overwhelming. The people here are simply wonderful. I have learned so much about writing that my university lecturers are trying to teach me today, thanks to deviantART! I couldn't be more thankful for what I have been taught, the advice I have been given and the friends I have made. All I can do is return is offer my love and assistance to the community and hope that my dedication to it is enough.
"drown" by bowie-loon123
"unworthy" by bowie-loon123
"diary, diary" by bowie-loon123
"it's like this" by bowie-loon123
For more information, including how to suggest a Deviation
to be featured, please visit us at *DailyLitDeviations.
Thanks so much for supporting the lit community and this special feature project!
~ The DailyLitDeviations Team ~
Prepared by: SilverInkblot
Comments: 14
bowie-loon123 [2011-09-10 14:05:48 +0000 UTC]
Also, awesome that DLD is involved and featuring the spotlights.
I was considering asking DLD to collaborate with my Daily Lit Deviant projects, but because they're daily I imagine that wouldn't have happened, since it can result in clutter and I wanted the exposure to remain with their news articles.
👍: 0 ⏩: 2
pullingcandy [2011-09-10 03:45:31 +0000 UTC]
Wonderful idea. Excellent feature.
👍: 0 ⏩: 0