danbluestone — Kosmosian BG

Published: 2002-11-25 20:33:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 23445; Favourites: 245; Downloads: 290
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Description My Desktop backgroud, just thought I'd upload it for the heck of things! If you wish to know it is a dimensional/elemental Map/seal thing that I created for my OL comic.

**Big weird explianation** The big ring holds the 4 main element symbols (Terra, Ventus, Pyros, Aqua) the two inner coment-like shapes hold the 2 alignment elements (Aterus and Lumus) and in the center is the seal symbol of the reality dimension of my comic Kosmosia. the other 4 seal symbols are of the 4 other dimensions linked to Kosmosia of which I haven't thought up names for yet (a cyber/information world, a dream world, a mirror world, and a superstition/fear world) the sun and moon on the sides are there to represent the sun and moon (aka Sol and luna in my comic.) I still have some thing to work out..

And if you were able to read that and not think I'm a total freak, I give you a cookie.
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Comments: 10

legendofspyroXcynder [2016-11-24 11:40:07 +0000 UTC]

"And if you were able to read that and not think I'm a total freak, I give you a cookie."
I'll call you "someone who have one Hell of an imagination! May you gimme some of dat? "! Seriously though. I'm OBSESSED with elemental stuff, "Planet-Earth-Magical" or "Dragon-Univreses-Magical", of that made any sense. I actually envy some of you designers - creating stuff isn't a pain in the ass.

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Slevanas [2013-05-09 01:53:53 +0000 UTC]

Oh my god this is really nice and creative

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Elvenwriter01 [2009-06-18 13:50:20 +0000 UTC]

that is really cool looking.
Can I have that cookie now? because if you are a total freak then so am I

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VanAsso2107 [2008-12-16 01:22:04 +0000 UTC]


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demonchild4unow [2007-09-27 01:49:14 +0000 UTC]

I love cosmologies! Could you explain your cosmology with as much detail as possible?

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RaoKurai [2007-05-05 00:53:42 +0000 UTC]

Yay i got a cookie!
This thing is awsome. Hey, looking at this inspired me to draw something....big.Thank you!

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shiabunny [2002-12-02 08:04:25 +0000 UTC]

...PRETTY. *_* I like the bold colors, and how everything stands out at the same time.

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Cammiluna [2002-11-26 05:59:04 +0000 UTC]

Such a colourfully shiny desktop i MUST HAVE ON MY COMPUTER!!! *_*

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blu3fox [2002-11-25 23:23:30 +0000 UTC]

ooooh shiny! That musta took a long time! and lots of skill

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petrol-pete [2002-11-25 20:39:46 +0000 UTC]

one word; in-your-face-need-to-blend-a-bit-more-tone-down-in-places-make-a-feature -but-overall-its-good

thats all my furry friend feel free to look at my work and comment

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