Comments: 52
megabass22 [2014-10-20 14:52:35 +0000 UTC]
The thing is that i support freedom of speech, and sadly that includes creationism, but when a country is run by people that don´t accept the facts, and when the schools of a country is teaching ridiculous things in stead of the ones with substantial evidence i can get really mad.
I just don´t see a good reason to believe in creationism, or in any other religion, since there is literally no evidence at all for those ideas.
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AgentKay004 [2014-02-23 00:05:03 +0000 UTC]
What's more ridiculous than Creationism is Evolution.
I mean, the very idea of life arriving from non-life and branching off to create watermelons, rocks and fishes as relatives (against the Law of Biogenesis) already completely goes against science. Pseudo-science.
The other so-called facts to support evolution also can be disputed and is largely based on interpretation. Such as fossils. Dating by evolutionist has those at at least a million years and yet, just a few years ago, a fossil was found with blood on it! (Okay, it was blood vessels found with hemoglobin. No need to get technical.)
Humans were made perfect and in the image of God in the beginning (meaning with morals and intelligence). The Holy Bible has animals making after their kind (that whole "But wolves and dogs! They're different SPECIES!!" I'm talking about KINDS. There's a difference.)
Theistic evolution and Old Earth Creationism simply does not work. For unbelievers, you're all just thinking up excuses to do what you want without a price. One day, we will all stand accountable for our actions before God.
Feel free to interpret this as a "rage".
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engelmohr000 In reply to AgentKay004 [2014-02-28 07:39:35 +0000 UTC]
What a crock of shit evolution has an overwhelming amount of evidence supporting it from various fields of science such as biology, evolutionary biology, biochemistry, taxonomy, genetics and much much more. Its by and far the most supported theory in science with no other theory even coming close to its predictive power.
Also evolution never say's organisms change "kinds" but that they change to fit they're environments over successive generations via descent with modification guided by 'natural selection'. For this reason whales are still mammals and arthropods, birds are still dinosaurs, cat's are still feline, dog's are still wolfs, and humans are still apes.
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AgentKay004 In reply to engelmohr000 [2014-02-28 21:33:17 +0000 UTC]
The evolution myth has many aggressive supporters such as you and even more so in the science field. I'm not surprised DA is full of either unbelievers or haters of the opposing opinion.
Both evolution and creationism can neither be proven or tested. They do both have evidences to support it, though.
My problem with evolution are the implications: of kinds changing into other kinds (lizards to birds) and that species variation proves it (large dog and small dog). Other questionable things are fossils (which were found with dinosaurs) are still around alive today, such as sharks, garfish and even caterpillars and butterflies exactly the same as millions of years ago. There are even evidence of flowers found in the Precambrian Era.
I support creationism because I believe in the literal account of Genesis in the Holy Bible. I love Jesus and want to learn more about His world but these evolution biased fields are just holding science back. Medicine, for example, wouldn't suffer at all if evolution were to be replaced with another better theory (which there is).
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engelmohr000 In reply to AgentKay004 [2014-03-02 02:01:41 +0000 UTC]
And many many more logical fallacies that have no basis within reality. I see the bible as what it is a fable, a 'iron age myth' written by superstitious desert dwelling barbaric savages who knew nothing about the world around them so made shit up to explain it and to justify their inhumanity, against their fellow man simple as that.
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engelmohr000 In reply to AgentKay004 [2014-03-02 01:57:18 +0000 UTC]
Their is no argument within the scientific community over 98% of all scientists accept evolutionary theory.
Their really is no evidence of a 6000 year old earth or a flood or any of the other impossible BS in the bible.
Once again that's not how evolution works classifications stay the same species change foe instance you are still a "eukaryote" that is most of the cells in your body contain a nucleus. Also look up evolutionary stasis evolution is just the way life changes to adapt to they're environment, if they are already adapted their is no need for change therefor they won't.
That's kinda of sad to know because that means you accept that the earth is a flat disk in a solid dome suspended in a cosmic ocean, that snakes and donkeys can talk, that bird blood can heal skin disease, that the stars are dots in the sky that can fall to earth and be stomped on, that insects have four legs, that the earth spinning at over 1000 MPH can be stopped without killing everyone and destroying everything (conservation of energy) after all say's all that kinetic energy has to go somewhere.
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AgentKay004 In reply to engelmohr000 [2014-03-02 03:57:26 +0000 UTC]
I've heard about how animals don't need to change if they're perfectly adapted to their environment and I don't really care for classifications since it's so biased towards evolution. And no argument within the scientific community? What about those 2%? Besides, about 40% of Americans believe in Creationism.
Other than those, you haven't made much of an argument. You're just full of biased opinions and assumptions and go off topic.
If animals have been living around the Earth and then dying for millions of years, why aren't there fossils found on every inch of dirt? There sound be a ridiculous amount found considering their fossils can survive harsh climates and millions of years. They should also find more transitional forms. Why the gaps?
And how can we trust the dating methods? We use it to date fossils at millions of years to prove evolution. But a volcano formed a rock only ten years old, yet dating had it at thousands of years. They are also finding blood vessels on fossils previously overlooked because it was assumed nothing would be found.
Can we trust evolutionist scientists? In 1912, Piltdown Man was found that evolutionists loved showing until they discovered it was a hoax, composed of a human skull and jaw from an ape. There are many other examples of scientists quickly declaring a fossil a transitional form.
And those are just concerning fossils.
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AgentKay004 In reply to Heytomemeimhome [2014-07-04 08:57:52 +0000 UTC]
And a lot of evolutionists are not scientists... a lot of people I've talked to are not scientists.
People can still form solid opinions despite not having a degree in science.
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engelmohr000 In reply to AgentKay004 [2014-03-02 05:27:16 +0000 UTC]
Because the 98% have all the evidence on they're side.
Why the hell would I care what a bunch of laymen think I prefer the teachings from the professionals who know what they are talking about.
We have thousands of transitional fossils but the reason we don't have all of them is because fossilization is rare, it requires dry airless environments or tar pits or being buried suddenly or frozen.
Blood vessels bullshit that hoax has been debunked the so called "soft tissue" they found wasn't soft by our definition of the word, only trained eyes could tell the soft tissue from the rest of the fossil and it was only like that due to being locked in a underground sealed vacuum for millions of years.
Piltdown man again really? Just to let you know scientists never fell for that for a second it was exposed as a hoax by the "scientific community".
The rock was dated like that due to a mixture of old rock with new recycled rock geologist are aware of this, dating methods are 100% reliable when used right.
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AgentKay004 In reply to engelmohr000 [2014-04-02 05:49:55 +0000 UTC]
Your reply is kinda stiff. All you did was answer my mostly hypothetical questions I actually didn't expect you to answer. It was meant to serve as an example of problems with fossils alone.
There can be hoaxes and there are fossils quick to fill the gap only for it to be a mistake. Dating methods aren't perfect and do contradict each other and it's a lie to call it "100% reliable".
What would help is if you just summarized your answer and bring up new arguments, otherwise, you either completely go off topic or robotically answer questions. Your main attack is also using insults or foul language. You should represent your side more respectfully or I'll just think you're trolling and I won't take your arguments seriously.
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engelmohr000 In reply to AgentKay004 [2014-04-03 20:48:45 +0000 UTC]
Name any problem with dating methods that scientists don't already take into account also any "frauds" in the fossil record are quickly exposed. Being a scientist isn't a kids game its a cut throat job you screw up once and its over for your career and creditability.
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The-Last-Sea-Serpent In reply to AgentKay004 [2014-02-25 11:19:49 +0000 UTC]
"Humans were made perfect"
In that case; should you ever contract cancer or appendicitis, your own religious beliefs forbid anyone from helping you, since apparently god have you those cancer genes and that vestigial organ.
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AgentKay004 In reply to The-Last-Sea-Serpent [2014-02-25 11:25:34 +0000 UTC]
You've taken me out of context and your evolutionary views also forbids anyone from helping you if you get sick.
This doesn't seem like a conversation worth having so don't bother replying back.
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Corvus-the-Snark [2013-11-13 05:22:38 +0000 UTC]
Your just mad people who lived before the Flood got to have pet dinosaurs while you never will
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RenagadeRexRider [2013-09-23 05:48:43 +0000 UTC]
yes it was. Because humans vs Dinosaurs is the best sh*t there could be. dino's vs rats is boring as hell!
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jlancas12 [2012-11-27 06:24:11 +0000 UTC]
I would love to have a pet raptor and yes creationists are completely bonkers ah well give it time then eventually we can shove a stake through religions heart and have world peace no religion no stupid fucks blowing each other up
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Louis-the-Hedgehog [2012-11-12 06:03:27 +0000 UTC]
It doesn't attack creationism? Aw man...
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FunnelVortex In reply to Louis-the-Hedgehog [2012-12-02 02:07:16 +0000 UTC]
The only reason people always say they don't attack creationism and say that its okay for others to reject 200 years of extensive scientific research is because they are too scared to.
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GhostofReason [2011-09-05 22:48:13 +0000 UTC]
It's funny because it's true.
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Disestablish In reply to GhostofReason [2012-07-04 07:15:51 +0000 UTC]
I find it more disturbing, because I am still no closer to getting a pet raptor.
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TheMorlock [2011-08-23 20:24:57 +0000 UTC]
I don't agree with Creation ''Science'', but that would actually be pretty cool!
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Boverisuchus In reply to TheMorlock [2013-06-09 12:33:05 +0000 UTC]
well, lets hope that there are surviving dinosaurs in africa, the first people to say this were not creationists, just zoologists with big ideas.
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RavinWood [2011-01-22 04:55:32 +0000 UTC]
forget what i just said. im sleepy and miss read the pic. hahaha i get it now. good 1 ^_^
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RavinWood [2011-01-22 04:54:29 +0000 UTC]
considering the bible thumpers r the 1s that beleve the earth is young and every thing lived together, i realy dont see the joke 9_9'
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PaleoClipperArt [2011-01-18 18:54:07 +0000 UTC]
fav simply because of JP
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CopernicanAllure [2011-01-17 21:33:22 +0000 UTC]
Why are you wasting your time trying to convince people of a religious belief that they are wrong, when you can't? Are you just another 'LogicSquad' laughing-stock?
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PaleoClipperArt In reply to CopernicanAllure [2011-01-18 18:55:02 +0000 UTC]
chill! In all truthfulness this IS what creationists think. Dinos and Humans together.
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CopernicanAllure In reply to PaleoClipperArt [2011-03-04 18:12:54 +0000 UTC]
I'm just tired of seeing people attack others for their beliefs, when if the people that are attacking them were actually using 'Logic' would already understand that it is impossible to change them using facts.
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PaleoClipperArt In reply to CopernicanAllure [2011-03-19 04:38:23 +0000 UTC]
not always impossible. Just look at Dan Barker. He was a literal 6,000 year old, dino's and humans, hardcore creationist...he is now the co-president of the Freedom From Religion Foundation; the largest freethought (atheist and agnostic) association in america. He is an Atheist now. So it is possible to change peoples minds with facts. Just not everyone "deconverts" as it were, instantly. I know I didn't.
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Darkman140 In reply to CopernicanAllure [2011-01-17 21:40:24 +0000 UTC]
"It's a joke, if you don't like it feel free to rage in the comments."
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Unikraken [2011-01-17 08:03:58 +0000 UTC]
lol creationists
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Kotego [2011-01-17 02:33:24 +0000 UTC]
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Darkman140 In reply to Kotego [2011-01-17 02:37:29 +0000 UTC]
Creationism is probably the worst idea ever, but it gives us so much awesome pictures.
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TheGeckoNinja In reply to Darkman140 [2011-01-17 03:01:01 +0000 UTC]
its just a easy way to say god did it, funny how there has to be a word for it....oh wait its called religion XD
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