Sara has always had an interest in healing and herbs, and after Salvia and Evira disapeared she has done everything she can to help Thalia.
Part 1 - The Discovery
While helping collect herbs for Thalia, Sara realises how much a healer must know about their home and grasps that Aurelia has provided them with a haven. Decides she wants to learn more about the plants that are in their home not just because Aurelia has provided them for her followers but because she wants to help her family as much as possible.
Part 2 - Beginning of the Road
After the most recent raid, while she is recovering in the ruins in camp under Thalia's care she finally plucks up the courage to ask if she can help full time, not just alongside her gladiator duties. Will Thalia agree???
I don't know what herbs and things are used in the empires so I did some reseach on the wildflowers I know to be in Europe/France and found ones which were listed on… and found what they are 'used' (or at least what they used to be used for) with humans. I attempted to find plants that would be growing in the marshy shadyness of shadow empire but some such as Tormentil are likely to favour other habitats.
Herbs and flowers roughly top to bottom left to right: first entry is from warrior cats, the secound a mix of wikipedia and my wildflower book:
Chamomile flowers
-Strengthens the heart and soothes the mind. Also given to travelling cats for strength
- Helps with inflammation, skin irritations and stomach problems
Tormentile - Its root is good for treating all wounds and extracting poison
- Helps with inflammation and stomach problems
- Treats infections and stops bleeding.
- to stop bleeding, to heal wounds and ulcerations, and to treat kidney ailments.
Poppy seeds
- They can help a cat sleep, soothe shock or distress, or ease pain. Not recommended for nursing mothers.
- Folk remedy to aid sleeping
Borage leaves
- It produces more and better milk, also brings down fevers.
- Help with stomach problems such as cramps, diarrhea and colic as well as some cardiac, respiratory and urinery problems
Juniper berries
- Soothes bellyaches, gives strength, and helps troubled breathing. It is also used to help calm cats.
- Used as a a female contraceptive, helps with asthma and to speed birthing.
Dock leaves
- Soothes scratches, though can sting when being applied. Soothes sore pads.
- Used to treat stinging nettle stings and the roots have been used internally for treatment of viral infections.
- Soothes bellyache.
- Specifically marsh malllow: used to treat sore throats
- Fastens sticks to broken legs to keep them in place
- an annoying weed
Blackberry leaves
- Eases the swelling of bee stings.
- Leaves used to store herbs, viens can also be used like bindweed to secure splints
Fennel leaves
- Helps pain in the hips
Willow leaves
- Stops vomiting (bark used a pain releif)
- remedy for aches and fever (bark used a pain releif)