decarbry — [sva] i've been away (mcc)

#stonehaven #svajone #svajonerp #sunluck
Published: 2022-01-10 04:59:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 3193; Favourites: 120; Downloads: 0
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Venturing further than the others was maybe not the best idea. Their party had been sent beyond the borders of Stonehaven, after all; it wasn't safe here, and risking himself as a Mender... well, certainly someone would have something to say. He'd taken a moment to sidestep those accompanying them, tread off alone, still within earshot if anything should go wrong.

Aside from gathering the lavender and honeysuckle they'd come to find, Sunluck had had an alternative motive.

He just wanted some fresh air.

Stonehaven air was the same as any other, and yet he always felt stifled. Maybe it was in tandem with his memories or the various side-eyes sent from wolves like Mouna. But he could trick his mind out here into seeing a new place, a new life, a new him. He would go back with the others to Stonehaven, loyal as ever to the cause, but for the first time in a while he would go back resolved to change something about himself: if he was to ask another to love him, he would not sabotage himself, intentionally or otherwise. This time, he would not ruin it.

That was his resolution.

[word count: 195]


Sunluck, the Pledge --> decarbry


2 (full body) + 2 (mcc) = 4 souls to Sunluck

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Comments: 1

TurkFish [2022-01-10 05:25:26 +0000 UTC]

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