DeepSeaHorror — Ada Nenek Kebayan Dalam Hutan

#ghost #malaysia #malaysian #oc #originalcharacter #witch
Published: 2016-12-05 11:39:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 896; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 0
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Description "There's a witch in the forest."

So, like, this was supposed to be an overwatch oc, and it still might be, but I'm mostly using her for original stories now.  Yesterday I was talking about how cliche a lot of musim ocs are, and how boring I find that archetype of the 'sweet, flower child' muslim girl, so I made on of my own. I wish there were more muslim characters in general, but ESPECIALLY in fantasy because fuck I'd love that.
Little bits of references to malaysian folklore here, folks!

Name: Jinan Binti Maha
Age: 43
Occupation: Ghost hunter
Likes: Botany, Science, Cinnamon, Herbs, Spicy Food, Radio shows, Sompoton , Batu seremban , congkak , dipping her feet in the river
Dislikes: Sweets, Malaysian Romance Dramas, Flying, Chess(she's really, really bad at it)

   There is a woman in the forest. Shenever comes, and those who sees her says that she is always seen wearing a mask. She is said to smell consistantly of cinammon, smoke and dried blood. They call this woman a witch, and she is feared throughout the whole town of Ranau. 
   When she was a child, Jinan's mother warned her of ghosts and 'orang bunian', but she never believed her. To Jinan, the stories she heard were just... well, stories. She never really believed them until one day, she was attacked by ghosts out for revenge. Apparently, her grandmother had sealed 72 spirits underneath their home, and someone has released them to haunt the small, boring town of Ranau. Her mother died trying to seal them back up, and Jinan herself lost an arm in the debacle, but the seal wasn't strong enough. Their spiritual intuition was not powerful enough to lock them away for good, so she waits for someone who does. 
   For a long time, her only company was a Pelesit , who had once belonged to her grandmother, but then two dumb teenagers decided to go to her house on a dare and became her new friends.

   Jinan can be considered 'one of the kids', as two of her closest friends are less than half her age. She knows that what she does makes her creepy, and deliberately plays up her nightmare fuel station attendant persona up to scare/troll anyone she comes across.  She tries to look out for her two, much younger friends, but she's ultimately just as immature as them and her desire to see them have fun and be themselves, while well-intentioned, can lead to quite a bit of trouble. Jinan's a bit of a weirdo too, who fails to realize that what is considered normal for her (exhuming graves, talking to ghosts, carrying around a keris everywhere) is pretty freaky. 
   She's not that religous but fears death, and is quite silly. She tries to live life positively, despite all the shit that's going around her to the point where she is sometimes outright denying how bad a situation is. Jinan lies a lot to get out of situations she doesn't know how to handle, and is generally not prepared at all to be an adult despite being an adult for quite some time now.

-Her mask is a stylized Oryx. She hides a nasty scar.
-she lost her arm during  particularly nasty battle, and has since replaced it with... ghostly technology, let's call it.
-Doesn't pay bills. Her house is powered sponsored by the more benevolent Orang Bunians.
-Is Asexual as fuck. 
-Actually very intelligent, but loses sight on common sense very, very often.
-She wanted to be a scientist at some point, as is very good at chemistry. 
-The Pelesit, taking a human appearance, does all her shopping for her.
-She's sino/dusun (Part Chinese, Part dusun )
-She's blind in one eye!

Come on guys, make more muslim ocs! Interesting muslim ocs, anyway. 

Edit: Here, have a messy sketch of how she looks without the mask
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Comments: 3

crarter2002 [2016-12-07 04:07:13 +0000 UTC]

Nice charecter try something with a techno keris something like hang tuah

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

YAG0K0R0 [2016-12-05 18:17:21 +0000 UTC]

this character is just EPIC

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

DeepSeaHorror In reply to YAG0K0R0 [2016-12-05 23:25:35 +0000 UTC]

thank you!

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