dfridolfs — G.I.JOE inks 1

Published: 2015-12-03 15:25:31 +0000 UTC; Views: 1367; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 0
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Description Here's a page from 2nd part to the epic "Cobra World Order" story arc from G.I.JOE: A Real American Hero #220 which just came out.

I rarely post inked pages anymore not because I don't want to, but really because I just don't ink as much as I used to fulltime (mostly writing and some cover work). But I've been fortunate to get the chance to ink 4 issues to this huge story, and on a title that means so much to me. I talk about it over on my blog here:  dfridolfs.blogspot.com/2015/11…

I love this page as it sums up the Cobra Commander I've always enjoyed from the cartoon and comics. Seated on his throne, passing the time shooting tiny Joe sculptures for target practice, before leaping to his feet to rant with exuberance.

Pencils:  SL Gallant
Inks:  me!

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