DianaGrigore — How to deliver a good photo critique

Published: 2012-07-01 02:55:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 3582; Favourites: 89; Downloads: 0
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Description I wanted to do this since a long time ago, but didn't have time on my hand.
This is my first tutorial, I'm pretty sure that there are some mistakes which I can't figure out at this hour
I planned a few other tutorials (which will be not as boring as this one!).
I hope it was useful and I'd be happy to hear your suggestions about other tutorials which you would like to see
I'll also create the second part of this tutorial, called How to accept a critique

Kind of..funny, heh? That I request critiques on a tutorial of critiques But it's my first one and I'd like to know what you guys think

** Thank you ~fluf-studios
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Comments: 48

PizzaPotatoNBacon [2013-02-16 07:55:31 +0000 UTC]






Great job for your first critique! It's fantastic and very helpful. e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/b… " width="15" height="15" alt="" title=" (Big Grin)"/>
However, there are some things that could be improved. e.deviantart.net/emoticons/s/s… " width="15" height="15" alt="" title=" (Smile)"/>

It's very easy to understand. It covers all important points, such as the message/concept and the actual photograph itself. However, while you listed the things one should note when making a critique, I honestly think it would be much more helpful, if you stated how to analyze these areas and critique them.
Sure, you've given an explanation on what those were, but you didn't add when they help a picture, or when they ruin one. For example: "Perspective - Is the photo taken at an interesting angle? How much depth does it add? Usually, aerial perspectives are good in... But they ruin pictures that..." This would help the reader get a better hold on the topic. (In Number 1, "Interpretation" is an example of what I am talking about as it gives the reader the real idea of interpreting the piece) I also suggest giving the readers questions to ask themselves when they do a photo critique, as this also will help them understand more.

In regards to the design and lay out of your tutorial, I think it's excellent that it blends with the site. I think it would be easier to read, if the text was a little darker than it is now. I see no problem in regards to spelling, though in number 4, the first sentence "What the artist did good" has a grammatical error. It's supposed to be "What areas did the artist do good in?".

I really love the great tips in the end- they're very useful and effective, and a great addition to the tutorial. e.deviantart.net/emoticons/n/n… " width="15" height="15" alt="" title="Nod"/>

Again, great job on this! You were a bit indefinite and vague, but overall this is a lovely tutorial to read. One I'd recommend.

I hope this helps! e.deviantart.net/emoticons/b/b… " width="15" height="15" alt="" title=" (Big Grin)"/>
Have a nice day~ e.deviantart.net/emoticons/w/w… " width="25" height="20" alt="" title="Hi!"/>

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DianaGrigore In reply to PizzaPotatoNBacon [2013-02-17 13:19:26 +0000 UTC]

Hi, Alex!
First of all, thank you for the critique, it was very thoughtful and I loved your honest opinion.
I would like to mention, though, that this wasn't an article. Have I written it like an article, I would have mentioned a lot of things, and with many details of every line. There was a lot to say about each and every point that I stated in this deviation, but this should be regarded as some tips, some ideas from where to start the critique, some guidelines.
I am aware about the spelling, though, it didn't pop when I re-read it before submitting it. I will probably edit it when I have time.
I agree with the text being darker, I think that was a good point
Overall, thank you!

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PizzaPotatoNBacon In reply to DianaGrigore [2013-02-17 13:54:48 +0000 UTC]

Glad to know.
I can see where you're coming from. Seems okay, I guess.
Have a nice day

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alc26 [2019-05-11 20:57:58 +0000 UTC]

thsanks for the instruction/guidelines...so very organized... I need this thanks

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alc26 [2016-07-22 19:05:09 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the very instructive and well organized advice on "how to"

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VincentFineArt [2014-10-27 00:09:56 +0000 UTC]

I've always wanted to critique photography but never knew where to start. Thanks for the wonderful tutorial!  

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DrewStaedtler [2014-07-16 01:50:23 +0000 UTC]

this will help a lot in my self criticism

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StrikePhotography [2013-07-02 01:57:20 +0000 UTC]

good stuff ..

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DianaGrigore In reply to StrikePhotography [2013-07-02 07:57:23 +0000 UTC]

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed reading it

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bvbodegom [2013-02-17 14:43:11 +0000 UTC]

Very useful indeed! It's hard to critique in the right way and I'm sure this can help a lot of people understand how they can improve on their critiqueing. Apart from the few things pointed out in the critique on this tutorial, it's shaped quite nicely

Keep it up!

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DianaGrigore In reply to bvbodegom [2013-02-24 22:15:18 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much! I'm glad you found it a little useful!

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TTM77 [2013-02-17 14:26:04 +0000 UTC]

IMO the first step should be check to see if the original author want critiques. Many don't like a negative critique.

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DianaGrigore In reply to TTM77 [2013-02-24 22:14:54 +0000 UTC]

Well, I'm specifically talking about critiques here on dA. So for someone who has the critique option enabled for a certain deviation.

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TTM77 In reply to DianaGrigore [2013-02-24 22:24:17 +0000 UTC]

they only want to hear positive critiques.

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DianaGrigore In reply to TTM77 [2013-02-24 23:16:14 +0000 UTC]

Well, I wouldn't. Then why the critique feature? You cannot advance if you won't have an open mind

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TTM77 In reply to DianaGrigore [2013-02-25 03:04:27 +0000 UTC]

I agree..

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nosugarjustanger [2013-02-17 14:20:38 +0000 UTC]

Very helpful and easy to understand and follow. I like that you point out about being constructive without being condemning of the piece being critique. Everyone works so hard on their work, and I am sure it would be very disheartening if people get personal instead of being constructive.

I also like it when people ask me questions if they have any about the "work" I do. It shows interest, at least.

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DianaGrigore In reply to nosugarjustanger [2013-02-24 22:14:09 +0000 UTC]

That's where I was going with this. Easy to understand, not much to read(as I know a lot of people who say tl;dr)
Questions and any feedback one gets are really good in preparing one's style of work. I do tend to look at things in a personal way, but I know that everyone has their way of thinking and I try to look at them in an objective way.
I think feedback is all about being constructive, and the author of the respective work should be the one that agrees/disagrees with the respective feedback. It's all about picking the feedback which help you improve.

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Zee-Who [2013-02-17 13:52:06 +0000 UTC]

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DianaGrigore In reply to Zee-Who [2013-02-24 22:09:34 +0000 UTC]

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Starkiller-Unleashed [2012-11-24 17:15:25 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! I've been having problems giving more helpful tips in critiques; only pointing out the positive. Someone pointed it out to me just recently, so stumbling upon this tutorial was great.

Your tutorial was very helpful. Thanks again!

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DianaGrigore In reply to Starkiller-Unleashed [2012-11-28 21:17:38 +0000 UTC]

I'm so glad this was helpful, I tried to enumerate some important tips,that's all.
Thank you!

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graviloquence [2012-09-06 15:39:56 +0000 UTC]

Thanks SO much for taking the time to create this tutorial! <3

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DianaGrigore In reply to graviloquence [2012-09-08 23:11:31 +0000 UTC]

I'm sooo glad someone is still reading this long thing

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HWAPhotography [2012-07-30 23:03:43 +0000 UTC]

on # 4. ...... It should say "What you think the artist did well." NOT: "What you think the artist did good."

Great idea, though.

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luckydesigns [2012-07-13 02:33:13 +0000 UTC]

Excellent tutorial!
Some really great tips in here, thanks for sharing.

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DianaGrigore In reply to luckydesigns [2012-07-17 13:11:01 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for appreciating it!

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luckydesigns In reply to DianaGrigore [2012-07-20 13:55:59 +0000 UTC]

You're welcome!

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BobCatD [2012-07-11 17:36:54 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the tutorial ! most of the times when looking at DA artist's works ...words fail me..ghaa! "educate yourself" sounds like the right thing to do, and yet I feel that a well educated critique is not enough when it comes to all the world of emotions a single picture can give me...here's when the emoticons come handy ~

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DianaGrigore In reply to BobCatD [2012-07-17 13:12:26 +0000 UTC]

I know what you're talking about the well educated critique and the emotions..I think that besides talking about the technical aspects, it's really, really good to express your feelings sincerely, that's how the artist gets the most of the feedback..

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BobCatD In reply to DianaGrigore [2012-07-18 07:08:50 +0000 UTC]

Aww yes... besides, It has been my personal experience that when something goes into "technicalities" ...feelings stiffen up a bit [ a looot ]

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DianaGrigore In reply to BobCatD [2012-07-21 20:19:07 +0000 UTC]


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BobCatD In reply to DianaGrigore [2012-07-21 23:19:55 +0000 UTC]

~ wish you a wonderful weekend!

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RAIS1 [2012-07-03 09:26:42 +0000 UTC]

This is excellent, and helpful thanks for sharing

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DianaGrigore In reply to RAIS1 [2012-07-07 01:02:52 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the support!

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RAIS1 In reply to DianaGrigore [2012-07-07 01:06:31 +0000 UTC]

You are always welcome dear

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sumgie1 [2012-07-03 05:48:38 +0000 UTC]

Sometimes I comment on artwork and can't find the right words. This might help me.

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DianaGrigore In reply to sumgie1 [2012-07-07 01:02:42 +0000 UTC]

Well, I hope you'll find your words with the help of this. At least some ideas when you don't know what to say ^^
I'm glad!

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sumgie1 In reply to DianaGrigore [2012-07-07 06:39:22 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the kind words.

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Zedna7 [2012-07-01 17:52:22 +0000 UTC]

nice tutorial, thanks for sharing

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DianaGrigore In reply to Zedna7 [2012-07-02 11:03:06 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for taking the time to read it!

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Zedna7 In reply to DianaGrigore [2012-07-02 16:49:43 +0000 UTC]

you're welcome

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Zakily [2012-07-01 14:32:19 +0000 UTC]

this so valuable and indispensable article..hope it would be helpful to many...thank you for sharing it!

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DianaGrigore In reply to Zakily [2012-07-02 11:02:51 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for enjoying it. I'm really glad
Yes, I hope too, that it will be helpful

Thank you for the input!

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miontre [2012-07-01 09:12:28 +0000 UTC]

Great tutorial!
I'm glad you wrote this. It will help me when I write my future critiques until I'm a pro like you

Well, this has made me think that we should create a folder in #PhotographersDream for useful photography-related material. This can be our first submission!

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DianaGrigore In reply to miontre [2012-07-02 11:02:12 +0000 UTC]

Yay! I'm glad that you found it useful. I didn't want it to be very big, so I wrote the minimum necessary, like some tips and tricks.
I have had a lot of ideas, but somehow time isn't on my side to write the articles
You're good at critique! It's best to let the person know what's on your mind, I think that helps the artist a lot
And yay for the folder in #PhotographersDream . Great, great idea! I'll look for appropriate tutorials in the community to submit them there

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tonepainter [2012-07-01 03:25:31 +0000 UTC]

This is excellent, and sorely needed on dA!

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DianaGrigore In reply to tonepainter [2012-07-01 03:28:11 +0000 UTC]

Well..it's a lot to read, I'm grateful that there are people like you who have patience

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