dlee1293847 β€” Loud House - Luan Gets Pranked (Fool's Paradise)

Published: 2023-09-21 21:58:15 +0000 UTC; Views: 4675; Favourites: 23; Downloads: 1
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Description When Lynn Sr. reveals that he was helping Luan pull her pranks, heΒ  then realizes that he can redeem himself if he gets back at Luan, and Lincoln immediately goes along with his plan. As Luan watches over the security cameras, she witnesses Lincoln and Lynn Sr. walking into the elevator. However, the elevator breaks down, and Lynn Sr. calls Luan over the elevator phone to come and fix the elevator. Luan, disguising herself as the employee, fixes the elevator, when suddenly, an inflatable clown shoves Luan, resulting in her falling into the numerous pranks her family got themselves into, ending with her being lifted into the air by Lana and Lola's "prank-proof" hazmat suit. As the family begins celebrating that they managed to get back at Luan for all the mistreatment they've endured, Luan tells her family that they may have gotten back at her, but she warns them that next year, she won't go easy on them, especially on Lynn Sr.
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Comments: 2

Trainboy452 [2023-09-23 19:09:46 +0000 UTC]

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murphase2 [2023-09-21 22:29:11 +0000 UTC]

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