Draconic-Imagineer — The Revolutionary

#serialkiller #terrorist #villain #arttrade #hacker
Published: 2023-10-08 03:28:38 +0000 UTC; Views: 2297; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 0
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Most people know who am by now. The mainstream media has made sure that my extermination of that worthless mayor and his cronies is known to every farm animal that slavishly gazes upon their television sets. Their nonexistent faces expressing the usual reactions to shit like this: Anger, sadness, and most importantly, fear. Fear of what happens when their pharaoh is finally punished for his sins. It’ll only be a matter of time before they’ll be ripping each other apart over this. Typical. As long as they are constantly given an endless stream of the drug known as “Comfort”, they’ll happily give up their freedoms just to fuel their addiction. That’s why they elected him. Like every other politician on this fetid shithole of a planet, he seduced the populace with utopian visions of a city run by permissiveness as opposed to one governed through strength like how it should be. When I inform them of this undeniable truth, however, they view me as anathema, and climb over each other in the hopes of being the one to defeat me. If only they knew that I am not one, but many. The dominant head of a polycephalic dragon prepared to bring about real change by removing the parasites of the world from their decadent nests. Thanks to the mayor’s generous “donation” straight out of his bank account, I’m able to keep my followers fed and happy for a short while. We have other sources of income, but gorging on the wealth of our oppressors is probably the most fun me and my men have ever had in our entire lives.


Yet, despite the media’s apparent obsession with me and my apostles, they know not of my origins or my reasons for why I do what I do. Vulnerability has never been my greatest asset and I have no intention of adding it to my arsenal any time soon. Better to leave them in the dark, than to give away too much information about myself and ruin the air of mystery surrounding me and my chosen apostles. What they don’t know won’t kill them…as long as they seek no quarrel with me of course.


All one needs to know about me is that I’m tired of seeing this world burn around me, while our “leaders” sit back and watch western society crumble under the weight of its own decadence. They appoint clowns who don’t know the difference between men and women into positions of power and seek to eliminate both genders so they can bureaucratize every single aspect of our lives. Children don’t know how to read or write because their teachers are more concerned with having everything revolve around slavery and oppression. Fathers, like my own, no longer wish to do their part because they’re afraid of being cancelled by their own wives. Men in general are now seen as the root of all evil, despite the fact that without strong men, these animals would’ve died out a long time ago. It is because of this, I decided that enough was enough. It was time to purge these weaklings from our society so that it could be restored to its former glory. But for this, I needed an army and a way to break into government databases. So, I learned how to hack into any electronic device without any real difficulty and collect any information on my opponents before they even knew what hit them.


Of course, to remain financially stable, I not only perform bank robberies, but I also sell the data I’ve collected on the black market, carry out assassinations for certain mafia groups, and taught some of the aforementioned “teachers” a lesson by showing them what it’s like to be a slave. Drugs are another source of income, as well as viruses that a few of my colleagues have cooked up in their labs. Some are deadly enough to wipe out an entire country in a month, while others are mutagenic like what you’d see in Resident Evil or Fallout, but with far less tentacles or abnormal numbers of eyes in random places all over their body. Though I am tempted to try out a virus called Apotheosis, I think I’ll save that as a last resort should the government decide to actually present themselves as a serious threat (which I seriously doubt will ever happen. But it’s better to be safe then sorry as they say.) I may be powerful, but even I am not invincible. Once I tear down this abhorrent regime, I may focus my energies on finding a successor, who’ll rule my new empire when I am called back to Hell by The Man Downstairs. But for now, I have work to do. I am the redeemer of this nation and it shall be by my hand that we will all rise from the ashes of this decaying world…

This piece was made for an art trade for SaintEylethia . The theme of this art trade was to cast yourself as a villain and create a story of how that came to be. Sadly, due to the subject matter of the topic, the reception was at best lukewarm. As for me, I got caught up with some real life things, so I had to postpone this piece to a later date because of this. Better late than never I suppose. The story may not be perfect, but it is what it is.


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Comments: 2

SaintEylethia [2023-10-08 15:50:15 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

Draconic-Imagineer In reply to SaintEylethia [2023-10-08 15:51:36 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 0