Comments: 68
Kajiji [2011-11-21 00:53:58 +0000 UTC]
dude i'm jealous of ur art work >3<
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Razwy3 [2011-11-16 10:28:21 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Razwy3 In reply to Dragendorf [2011-11-17 10:30:51 +0000 UTC]
your welcome and you can call me just BR
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
AbramWinterSmith [2011-11-15 01:42:19 +0000 UTC]
"Hallowed ground...." The dragon managed to force himself into the graveyard, dragging his accursed feet backward as he struggled. "You two little bastards can't stand that, can you?" Seethe's eyes were reddened from the frustration and even the tears....but he never admitted to himself that he actually cried over the deaths that, they had caused. With a violent beat of his wings, Seethe finally pulled the entirety of his body across the sacred border....the rattling in the organic steel hollows ceased to be so insistent as the black and white appendages fell back to the ground, seemingly lifeless.
" can't touch me can't take me back...I'll stay here all the time it takes until Carter comes up with something....he WILL come up with something...." He sat down hard against the ground, his wings flopping like a cloak on the ground as he leaned against a headstone. "I'm not the same guy anymore....I'm a free man...I AM a FREE man..." He closed his eyes and breathed out a small puff of green-blue smoke as he sighed....
"You ARE Free...and you are doing what you desire..."
The voices in his head dripped with sarcasm as they awoke Seethe with a start, and he stared down at the manifestation of his demonic made a lot more sense now...the patterning of black and white...with no moderational tones of gray...they flexed their talons and quivered...the rattle of the tap pads growing out of his soles made him bristle.
"We've said it before, and we'll keep reminding you until you understand...DEMON....if you truly changed your nature, and wanted to stop....WHY...DIDN'T....YOU?" The dragon-man jumped up, not caring one bit about the rattling he caused.
"Because YOU TWO are forcing me to do things the way that I was doing things're making me relive my past! You're trying to DRAG me back to something I don't want to be anymore!!" His Tap-Feet pattered, adding an eerie feeling to the laughter he heard in his head."
"You can't change WHAT you are....and you will always tread back to where you're meant to be... Seethe's face paled as his feet began to tap and shuffle, pulling him back toward the jungles....
"NO!!!" he lunged toward the nearest sarcophagus and clung to it. "YOU CAN'T MAKE ME DO THIS!!"
"We're not MAKING you do anything..." The voices in Seethe's head replied greasily, "...just simply taking you where you TRULY want to go... His feet tappled in place, pulling him more insistently. "The sooner you realize you CAN'T change what you are, the sooner you can accept your place again....just let go....let us find more power...more improbability....more souls...and maybe you're tortured soul will find peace again....
"NO!!!" Seethe roared and flapped his wings, pulling the accursed 'shoes' off the ground as they began to glow and flicker. "YOU'RE NOT GONNA KILL AGAIN!!!" Snarling, he began slamming his left foot against the stone coffin, ignoring the pain searing through his leg as he beat the protesting appendage repeatedly until he heard a satisfying crack of steel splitting between his toes, the pad breaking into pieces...grabbing onto the statue of the kittymorph angel he stared at its apparently lifeless eyes that seemed to gaze down at the unsettling, sinister glow. "Y...You're an're supposed to give guys like me a second chance...." He gritted his teeth as he felt the metal embedded in him begin to fuse together again, the tapping noises grew more insistent as his feet danced toward the edge of his macabre perch...
"No one can save you from yourself, one can change your inner soul...NO ONE....not even an angel...not even your new-found family....YOU ARE WHAT YOU ARE!" Seethe's possessed feet started to pulse and spread warmth up his legs as they began to slide him off the grave....
"GAAAAH!!!" The dragon flared out his wings and bellowed. "SOMEBODY!!! ANYBODY!!! HELP ME....AND BRING AN AXE!!!!" With a lurch, a dull thud, and then a sickening echo, his demonically-tainted body parts resumed their dance, roughly pulling him away as he left one last set of desperate claw marks....
"You did not want to stop....after all.... Seethe glared down as he danced off the Hallowed ground....frantically wracking his brains, trying to figure out where he was being taken next....and which victim they were going to force him on....
"Time to take out the source...of your mutiny... The dragon's feet flickered angrily as their shuffling changed direction....and instinctively he lunged backwards when he realized where they were going...
"When he will be free.....WE will be free....
Seethe began to thrash as the demonic part of him tapped and pranced toward The Cottage....his eyes betraying his fear....and finally gaining a small rime of azure blue....
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BigFootJake [2011-11-14 23:52:11 +0000 UTC]
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
DragonMilo [2011-11-14 22:50:06 +0000 UTC]
My eyes... T_T I could be staring for HOURS. (It's flawless ok?)
👍: 0 ⏩: 1
Dragendorf In reply to DragonMilo [2011-11-15 20:08:49 +0000 UTC]
Muhaha Thats nice to hear xD thanks for your comment!
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bluebomer [2011-11-14 21:57:50 +0000 UTC]
wow sooo dramatic and personal EXCELLENT WORK bat boy ^^
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Dragendorf In reply to Rhodenris [2011-11-15 19:56:26 +0000 UTC]
thank you! I had a little bit to think about that^^ but I'm glead that you like it
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MrLuigiFreak101 [2011-11-14 21:21:24 +0000 UTC]
Wooooah, that's amazing-- the lighting from the bottom makes it even better \o/
👍: 0 ⏩: 2
ResukeZeroX [2011-11-14 21:14:27 +0000 UTC]
A very dramatic scene
Great work bro :3
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