Drakoslav-art — Untitled

Published: 2023-08-18 15:28:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 131; Favourites: 6; Downloads: 0
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Description SK: "Ty priateľu si mal dobrú náladu. Spievali v tebe vtáky. Ale potom si si spomenul, že si hlupák." Často sa to stáva, že konečne máme ten stav radosti, kedy je nám dobre. Ale potom to prekazí nejaká zlá myšlienka a všetko je zrazu opačne.
ENG: "You, my friend, were in a good mood. The birds sang in you. But then you remembered you are a fool." It often happens that we finally have that state of joy when we feel good. But then some bad thought gets in the way and everything is suddenly reversed.
olejomaľba na tela fabriano / oilpainting on tela fabriano 13x13cm
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