DrifterDraws2021 — 033 Accardi

Published: 2024-02-13 03:37:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 193; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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Description ID #: 033
Owner: autuerm
Name: Accardi
Nickname: Cardi

Gender: Mare
Height: 16.0hh
Phenotype: Black

Personality: This mare finds herself in the air more often than not, whether the rider intended for it or not. Her tendency to bolt and leap into the air can be a tricky combo and it is best to shut it down before it begins. But keep a close eye on her feet and the conditions of her paddock to ensure you aren't encouraging an abscess.
- Prone to unexpected flight.
- Bolts.
- Prone to abscesses.
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