DumpyDonut — Canadian Donstrupper - Art Auction + Clinic

#arpg #horse #trailriding #harpg #canadiandonstrupper
Published: 2022-11-25 05:04:00 +0000 UTC; Views: 654; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 1
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Autumn Auction + Clinic Event  by Canadian-Donstrupper  

Art Auction bid for: S137 American Psycho

Preference Order: 
1. S137 American Psycho  (here)
2. M137 Cassonade  (link to bid )
Mason Ellis  (riding Cassonade )
Madison Ellis  (riding M141 Once in a Blue Moon ) belongs to spookieoopsie  
Aiden Parks  (riding American Psycho )


After trying out their selected horses in the outdoor arena at Mercury Stables, Aiden, Mason and Madison decided to take the horses along the endurance course to see how they rode over a longer distance and in different terrain. Rosa decided to stay at the stable and observe the other guests to get a better outlook on how the horses acted with all types of riders.

Though it was a cold day with a sharp cold breeze, the sun was peeking out through the clouds on the trail, and after walking passed the brush and trees, the trio got into the sun and it tingled on their skin.

Mason had finally managed to warm his steed up enough to have her calm down and she was now a lovely horse to ride. Madison had no trouble with Once in a Blue Moon, she was a gorgeous horse, steady, collected and listened to all commands.

Aiden who had taken a liking to American Psycho after trying literally all the horses was enjoying riding a calm horse for once. He was gently walking, looking around at the scenery on the trail and occasionally trying to pull off-course to nibble on the long grass off the path. The horse squinted as they walked into the direct sunlight, slowing a moment to enjoy its warmth. He grunted contently and continued walking down the path, keeping pace with the other two horses.

After walking down the trail for a while, they turned around and started to mosey on back to the stables, they didn't want to take the horses too far out on the trail; they weren't equipped for a full endurance ride today.

When they arrived back. Rosa had managed to find herself a cup of tea and was sitting on a chair, chatting with the stable owners, pointing at one of the horses and discussing something. It was impossible to read her expression, she could have been saying that the horse's gait was terrible, or complimenting its movements and no one would be the wiser.

The three dismounted and lead their respective horses over and greeted each other. Rosa was looking over the horses, studying how they looked after a long ride.

Aiden looked at Mason, "I think he is the oneeee!" Aiden said with a sing-song-like tone. Aiden stroked the white horse's neck. The stallion brought his large head around to nuzzle him gently in response.

"It seems he likes you too." Mason said with a smile on his face, as his mare was pulling on the reins, trying to get Mason to move, clearly, they'd been standing still too long and she was bored. Aiden laughed at Mason trying his darndest to hold the mare still.

"You too seem quite the pair as well."

(463 words)

Stock Photo: STOCK - 2014 09 Hack Day-40  
by  fillyrox
Texutres: brushes from CSPP

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