DystopicMuse — Static

#creative #critique #cyberpunk #disenchanted #dystopia #effects #electronic #expression #freedom #fusion #glitchy #grit #individuality #music #oppressive #power #producer #realm #rebellion #regime #resistance #societal #subculture #transformative #underground #urban #virtual #neonopolis
Published: 2023-05-26 01:46:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 1967; Favourites: 3; Downloads: 0
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Description Static's passion for music ignited at a young age, as they found solace in the sonic symphonies that reverberated through the decaying cityscape. In a society dominated by megacorporations and cybernetic enhancements, music became a form of rebellion—a conduit to express emotions that were suppressed in the sterile confines of everyday life.
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