ECN13000 — E.C.N. The Biomancer

#13000 #ecn #e #c #n #biomancer #character #chemical #enhancer #persona #sona
Published: 2017-02-04 04:15:48 +0000 UTC; Views: 605; Favourites: 8; Downloads: 5
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Such Wonderful toys.

These are the thoughts of ECN. A man that has tapped into one of the most difficult, dangerous and volatile, Biomancy. The art to shape flesh and life to one's will, since he could ever remember he always had the touch for this ability, not only shaping flesh and life but anything really. He would use chemicals, magic, energy and anything at his disposition to create whatever he wanted.
One of his greatest accomplishments was a red glowing chemical that he named "The Enhancer", however certain creatures, primarily of demonic origins tend to call it 'Lust Draft' due to it's secondary side effects.
The Enhancer itself can power machines for months; Make other chemicals or spells stronger; It can enhance the speed, strength, senses and stamina of those that consume it and even heal enormous amounts of damage...but it's side effect is a great enhancement of Lust, affecting the estrogen hormones. For this reason, females tend to lose their minds and become greatly affected by this chemical. Even though, ECN always keeps himself stocked due to its great positive effects...it is rumoured that due to consuming it so much for his own reasons he has become addicted to the chemical.
ECN's biomancy skills have always been extremely impulsive, he always feels the need to start a new project, the scars on his body clearly show that the knife was turned on him more than once. It is known that he has Chameleon and Wolf DNA on himself, which shows through his ability to change the pigmentation of his skin to a deep black when in darkness, stretch his tongue to great lengths, great strength, partial lycanthropy and enhanced senses. Among that he also has a reinforced skeleton, being capable of being as strong if not stronger than metal. But it is possible that more is in his system, as the constant experiments rendered his blood to be of a pitch black colour. 
This skill did not unnoticed as creatures such as Bogyphobia or Charlie have taken quite the notice and made use of his talents to create minions for themselves. Other people throughout the multiverse would often employ him to either create pets, minions, guardians or friends for themselves. Throughout his career he has been keeping some creatures for himself, either due to liking them, not finding an extra home for them or because the creatures grew attached to him, these become his own private family.

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Comments: 5

XenoChelle [2017-04-26 07:25:51 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ECN13000 In reply to XenoChelle [2017-04-26 15:39:33 +0000 UTC]

You okay?
...wait...Why should I be worried that you noticed my sona?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

ShadowInkWarrior [2017-02-17 16:13:48 +0000 UTC]

Neat we can be cool long black jacket bros

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Nightmare-Foxy159 [2017-02-04 08:10:55 +0000 UTC]

Kida like a pirate!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

ECN13000 In reply to Nightmare-Foxy159 [2017-02-04 15:29:19 +0000 UTC]

Huh...how so?

👍: 0 ⏩: 0