Eeveewhite97 — Star Shield

#batponyoc #mlpfimnextgen
Published: 2016-07-04 00:33:16 +0000 UTC; Views: 1132; Favourites: 14; Downloads: 0
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Description Name: Star Shield
Parents (Adopted): Twilight Sparkle (adoptive mother) Flash Sentry (adoptive father)
Type: Bat Pony
Age: 18
Nicknames: Twinkle Star, Starry (By Twilight)

As a baby foal, Star Shield was left at the doorstep of Twilight's Castle. Twilight tried tracking down who his birth parents, but with no note, birth certificate, or anything of the matter, she was at a loss. She and her husband Flash Sentry decided to adopt the bat pony foal as their own son and even gave him the name Star Shield. 
As he grew up, Star Shield dreamt of being one of his mother's few guards. And maybe lead his own team. 
There was a point where his parents sent him to Summer Flying Camp so he can improve his flying skills. However, as he was the only bat pony there, he was teased for it. But he did make friends with the daughter of Rainbow Dash, Jazz Bluster.
Now he's a knight-in-training.

A glittering shield with a star in the center.
His talent is making signals in the sky at with his flying trail. The star and the glitter actually symbolize his love for the night sky and navigating by the stars' position. The shield part symbolize his protectiveness over the ponies and such that he cares about.

Star Shield is an adventurous young stallion and always ask Twilight if he could go scouting for any dangers, usually for the thrill. He can and usually is serious about being a soldier. And is usually suspicious of any shady characters that come to Ponyville or the castle.
There are times when he can act silly when he wants to and is very good with young colts and fillies.

Star Shield is pretty close with his adoptive family. He wants to protect his adoptive mother with his life 'cuz he owes her everything such as raising him as her son and giving him the opportunity of being a guard, but Twilight on the other hoof wishes that he back pedals on the enthusiasm on that subject cuz' she would never forgive herself if something were to happen to her Starry while protecting her.
He's also close with his father Flash Sentry, who trains him to do battle moves so he can not only defend others, but also himself. Flash also gives him advice such as "look before you leap" or "don't be so eager to give your life away".
He's especially close to his adoptive sister Harmony Shine. Harmony looks up to him and calls him her BBBFF as Twilight has called her brother. The two's relationship is like that as well and even do the Sunshine Sunshine dance. They would even role play with Harmony Shine as the Princess and Star Shield as the loyal knight. Now older, they make the time to go out and hang and give each other advice.

Star Shield and Jazz Bluster are buddies since Summer Flight Camp and would often race each other. Jazz usually the winner, much to Star Shield's pout. When they're not racing, they usually talk about their dreams and get hyper about achieving their goals. Some ponies believe they are dating, but that's not true. They're just really close friends.

-More coming soon...-

I hope you like and please comment!

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Comments: 3

Isisani [2017-10-21 03:32:32 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

No1fan15 [2016-07-04 14:28:59 +0000 UTC]

Love his cutie mark and story!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Bluecatcinema [2016-07-04 12:21:05 +0000 UTC]

Very creative backstory. And I'm loving the design.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0