EmilisBorealis — Eohrosaeya

#map #world #elements #fantasy
Published: 2015-07-03 11:34:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 20199; Favourites: 201; Downloads: 205
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This is the World Map for my fantasy story, Principia Escenca. The world, known as Eohrosaeya, is a world made of eight elements; void, cosmos, fire, earth, blood, water, air and lightning, and it's the home of the eohrosa, a horse-sized quadruped omnivorous mammal (I don't have a specie sheet for them yet, but here's the main characters of the story whom are eohrosa of different races: The Main Eohrosa ).

History and Present
According to the legends, Eohrosaeya itself was created by the Divine Sisters (deities of fire, earth, blood, water, air and lightning), whereas the Celestials (deities of void and cosmos) have created the time and space and the heavens in which Eohrosaeya exists. The creation of Eohrosaeya was a long and turbulent period that took place over millions of years - simultanously as the Divine Sisters were being born. Eohrosaeya has so far existed for around 4500 million years - just like our Earth. Eohrosaeya has a very similar history to Earth in fact, with some deviations due to it's more magical and divine nature.

In the present day of both planets though, the major difference between the two worlds is the abscence of humans on Eohrosaeya. Some early hominids have existed in the past, but true humans never evolved. And because humans never evolved, humans have never changed Eohrosaeya and it's ecosystems as they have on Earth. The nature, animals and ecosystems of Eohrosaeya are completely unharmed and unchanged and for the most part, Eohrosaeya may be more similar to a warmer pleistocene Earth than present day Earth - despite both being in the holocene. Most animals that on Earth went extinct around the pleistocene and forward are extant and perfectly fine on Eohrosaeya.

The Regions and Sub-Regions
Eohrosaeya is a world created by elemental gods and this shows in it's geography. Each Divine has claimed a region of the world as their own and in these regions their influence is particularily strong. There is also one region, Aurora, which is the domain of the two Celestials. Each regions also has a few major sub-regions which are also home to bloods/sub-populations of the races. The sub-regions usually borders other regions - hence their differing and often less extreme biomes.

Aurora is a polar and high arctic region, covering the northpole and the surrounding landmass and sea ice. It’s an extremely cold, barren and seemingly hostile place, yet here there’s a surprisingly rich ecosystem, particularily in the surrounding ocean. The arctic ocean is in fact among the most richest in plankton which in turn attracts plenty of fish, birds, seals and whales.

Deity: Eotheia of the Void and Phararos of the Cosmos. Aurora is the land closest to the heavens. Caelum Mons, a massive mountain located exactly on the north pole, is the connection between the world and the heavens. Due to this, Aurora is a strongly magical and spiritual land.

Eohrosa: Aurora is home to the Aurorans; a large arctic race of eohrosa and the primal ancestor of all other races.

Aideen lies within the tropical and subtropical regions but is a far cry from the tropical rainforests of the east. It’s a region covered in desert and the driest and hottest place on Eohrosaeya. Sand and rock dominate the landscape, with some milder semi-deserts closer to the region edges. Thanks to a major river that runs through the region, and springs scattered throughout the deserts, Aideen can still sustain a variety of large animals even in its innermost regions.

Deity: Yazeema of the Fire.

Eohrosa: Home of the Aideenians; a tough race that are well-adapted to the unforgiving desert climate. They're big but lanky and the tallest of all eohrosa races.

Guldehed is an arctic and subarctic region. It stretches across most of the northern parts of the continent and features vast tundras and great taiga forests. It’s the northernmost and coldest region second only to Aurora. The region, especially the taigas and southern grasslands, are home to a large and thriving ecosystem and some of the largest and most impressive animals can be found in Guldehed’s tundras, taigas and grasslands.

Deity: Joma of the Earth.

Eohrosa: Home of the Guldehedians; a big, compact and peaceful sub-arctic race who digs tunnels to live in. The only eohrosa race whom are primarily scavengers and grazers rather than hunters and browsers.

Namaya is a varied region that spans from the subarctic to the southern subtropical zone. Namaya is a land covered in great forests and woodland. The most expansive is the tropical rainforests in the central parts which has the highest density of plant and animal life in the entire world. Temperate and boreal forests can be found in the north, and tropical dry forests, wetlands and temperate rainforests line the southern and eastern coasts.

Deity: Maminya of the Blood.

Eohrosa: Home of the Namayans; a small, agile tree-climbing eohrosa race. Namayans are the smallest of all eohrosa races and are quite colorful and extremely social - but they also possess venomous fangs.

Amathaeion is the vast ocean, seas, antarctic sea ice and major rivers around and within the content. It is by far the biggest of all regions. Most of the massive open ocean is relatively barren with smaller pockets and areas of corals. Most life is concentrated to the coastal areas, the polar waters in the north and south, the rivers and the brackish inland sea near Serenzara. The Amathaeion is full and rich with life of all kinds, many stranger than any landliving creature.

Deity: Amarelaeia of the Water.

Eohrosa: Home of the Amathaeians; a small and elegant aquatic eohrosa race. Their coats are blue and they possess the unique ability to shapeshift between hindlegs and a fin.

 Aiku Zeuris
The Aiku Zeuris mountain range is a massive montane region that runs through the main continent and touches Aurora in the north and Aideen furthest southwest. Steep cliffs and mighty mountains makes this a treacherous terrain and tough climate that only the hardiest animals can endure. These mountains are varied with plateaus and volcanic ranges in the southwest, montane lakelands and montane forests in the middle south and glaciers and arctic fjords furthest north.

Deity: Ziroebe of the Air.

Eohrosa: Home of the Aiku Zeurians; a tall but light-weight eohrosa race with feathered wings. Aiku Zeurians are the only eohrosa capable if flight. While the Aiku Zeuris mountain range is their primary home, they migrate during breeding seasons to several minor mountain ranges throughout the world.

Serenzara lies in the tropic, subtropic and temperate regions, just between the aideenian deserts in the west and the namayan rainforests in the east. The landscape features vast savannahs, plains and grasslands. Tropical savannahs dominate in the southern parts, ranging from dry shrublands to tropical dry forests, and temperate grasslands and prairies are to be found in the north. These serenzaran expanses are roamed by some of the most magnificent animals found in Eohrosaeya.

Deity: Yatashi of the Lightning.

Eohrosa: Home of the Serenzarans; a small and athletic eohrosa race capable of incredible speeds that rivals the cheetah. Serenzarans have electrically charged horns for defense, and they are also the only eohrosa who have a civilization and who uses technology, domestic animals and tools - albeit primitive ones.

Melodia lies entirely in the southern hemisphere in the middle of the Amathaeion and miles away from the main continent. It’s somewhere inbetween a small continent and a large island and is home to some of the most unique climates, flora and fauna. Many animals can be found nowhere else in the world but Melodia. The big island has very varied biomes though they’re generally very mild compared to the mainland. Red deserts, bamboo forests, archipelagos, fjords, volcanic tundra, bushy savannahs, moors and rolling green hills can all be found here.

Deity: While it's a controversial topic wether they should be considered a true deity or not, the melodians primarily looks up to a self-ascended ethereal being known as Padma. Padma forcibly fused themself with the spirits of Principia Escenca and as a result have nine hearts, nine spines, nine brains and nine pairs of gonads. Little is known about this being.

Eohrosa: Home of the Melodians; a population of mixed-race eohrosa who have been on the island for roughly a millenium. They're not a true race as they're mixed, and due to their very mixed heritage they lack a unified look and instead comes in every shape and color possible in eohrosa. There are some general trends in different sub-regions where there's been bigger influence from certain races.
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Comments: 11

pecuthegreat [2018-08-17 11:34:57 +0000 UTC]

Why is d map shaped like this, is d planet not a globe?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

sawirros In reply to pecuthegreat [2021-11-29 09:39:28 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

dcmstarships [2017-03-12 00:03:44 +0000 UTC]

very nice map and back notes

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

POPEDINGUS [2016-04-10 05:12:43 +0000 UTC]

Flagged as Spam

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EmilisBorealis In reply to POPEDINGUS [2016-04-10 10:26:04 +0000 UTC]


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ReaverPan [2015-12-07 01:41:02 +0000 UTC]

Awsome :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

EmilisBorealis In reply to ReaverPan [2015-12-08 10:43:11 +0000 UTC]

Thanks :3

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ReaverPan In reply to EmilisBorealis [2016-02-08 02:21:35 +0000 UTC]

your welkome ^^

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C05M0NAUT [2015-08-09 22:52:05 +0000 UTC]

Oh god, now this, THIS is amazing. Love the aesthetic, the colors.. just wow. What exactly did you use to create this masterpiece?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

EmilisBorealis In reply to C05M0NAUT [2015-08-10 10:37:49 +0000 UTC]

omg thanks ono
Just photoshop CS6! In short I sketched out a general shape, used the cloud generator + the cutout effect to create pieces of shorelines I then stitched together. Most of the rest was painted/drawn ^^,

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angelsground [2015-07-22 15:53:10 +0000 UTC]

Woho, coolest map ever!!

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EmilisBorealis In reply to angelsground [2015-07-23 18:47:06 +0000 UTC]


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