EmilisBorealis — The Star Navy

Published: 2017-01-06 16:31:02 +0000 UTC; Views: 2687; Favourites: 33; Downloads: 0
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Pandanzeia is a space opera following the queer female crew of the flagship of the Star Navy, the NSS Pandanzeia, through their personal stories and mission to explore, research and defend. 

Pandanzeia is a multiple plotline character-focused story about exploration, adventure, action, lesbian romance, optimism and positivity.


So I made this chart today showing the structure of the Star Navy (and also including some brief history!) - now that I've taken the time to actually detail it out. And hey I made up a new word; starnaval!

So, in essence the Starnaval Fleets is the main spaceborne part of the Star Navy; the ones with all the starships. There's 7 fleets in total.

The 3 corps now has a fancy formal umbrella term; Amphibious corps branches - cause their jobs mostly involve going down on planets (which is like the space-equivalent of shores). Amphibious corps branches include the Marine, Explorator and Astronaut corps - and starnaval personnel can join one of these corps in addition to being part of the Starnaval Spacer Corps and its departments and divisions.

And then there's also the Support Branches, which are those couple extra branches that are needed for the regular ship-based Star Navy to function.
 The Academy includes all education, recruiting and training business; most notably the Officer Academy and Basic Training Camp. But it also provides further education and training for people already in the service. The Star Navy Academy is located in Aera Calmere.
 The Shipyards are the ones that build and repair ships and spacecraft. Pretty straightforward. Their main shipyard station is the Aerelei shipyards in Aera Calmere - and it builds the majority of the Star Navy's ships. They've got shipyards in all other major calmerian republic systems, though most of them only do repairs and refittings.
 The Shore Service, finally, is pretty much everything else that's station/planet-based. Adminstration, supplying and logistics, medical services, food production, research etc etc.

Update 21/11/2017:
Two additions:

  • Added a "Chief of Defense & Exploration", aka the Crown Admiral, to the chain of command chart--they're ranking just above the Fleet Admiral and below the Def/Exp Secretary. So they're the Fleet Admiral's new direct superior, and now the highest ranking service member.
  • Special senior/master chief rates, colored in blue, were added to the list of enlisted rates. They're basically senior enlisted position+rate combos that gets special rate names (and abbreviations. They're technically the same paygrades as regular senior/master chiefs).

  • Update 09/06/2017:
    Lower enlisted rates (E-1 to E-4) renamed;
    • Petty Officer 3rd class > Leading Spaceman
    • Crewman 1st class > Able Spaceman
    • Crewman 2nd class > Ordinary Spaceman
    • Crewman 3rd class > Junior Spaceman

    Update 24/03/2017: Small overhaul! The amphibious corps all got brand new emblems, the 'starnaval spacer corps' is now just 'starnaval fleets' and I wrote a list of the fleets underneath while the department lists moved to the side. And also I added a whole new section underneath with some extra info stuff; the top-level chain-of-command, a list of rank including paygrades and abbreviations, and a list of some related branches/agencies.
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    Comments: 2

    Jawanaka [2017-03-26 07:15:02 +0000 UTC]

    This is great stuff! How do you make these?

    👍: 0 ⏩: 1

    EmilisBorealis In reply to Jawanaka [2017-03-28 20:19:07 +0000 UTC]

    Thanks! I make these in photoshop, the graphics I do with shapes and paths ^^,

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