erebus-odora — Not That Strange : Bertie Carvel

#bertie #carvel #erebusodora
Published: 2015-08-20 20:06:49 +0000 UTC; Views: 1858; Favourites: 29; Downloads: 0
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First things first: I LOVE painting weird details in a separate layer, so that sharing their design won’t spoil anything about the image. Insert some manic laughter here.

And - yes, it’s already a tradition: when my friends go to Britain, fearlessly prepared to wait at a stage door to deliver a hug, or share some love, or just stare from the distance at some talented person [whom I can paint], I PAINT.

I've been informed the person from the portrait already knows this exists... and I hope he likes it. Because I never know what will any of my paintings look like when they are finished, and this one turning out to be some kind of a modern-day Puck was truly a pleasant surprise)))

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Comments: 1

etave [2016-01-20 20:27:00 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful.  My favourite JSAMN-related image.

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