Eressea-sama — How to make a Cosplay Sword 2

Published: 2011-10-04 14:52:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 42787; Favourites: 526; Downloads: 441
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Description How to make a Cosplay Sword part 2

The secound part of the sword tutorial. The third one is following soon!

Part 1 part 3
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Comments: 31

DerBleistift01 [2013-10-12 23:06:41 +0000 UTC]

Sry for the question, but whats polymet vlay in german ?

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Eressea-sama In reply to DerBleistift01 [2013-10-13 20:40:05 +0000 UTC]

Polymer clay ist Modeliermasse, zum beispiel Fimo. Für das Schwert benutze ich Fimo Light. Sollte es im Bastelladen geben or auch im Internet

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DerBleistift01 In reply to Eressea-sama [2013-10-14 11:59:22 +0000 UTC]

Danke,aber ich denke diesesjahr mussich auf schwert und schild verzichten :/ aber die stoffe für links gewand, kappe und kettenhemd sind schon bestellt

Vielleicht reicht die zeit aber auch nicht
für handschuhe und stiefel da ich das kostüm bereits zu halloween tragen möchte. Aber dann kann ich das kostüm immerhin als "test" tragen und die reaktion meiner zelda-fan freundin abwarten.:3

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Eressea-sama In reply to DerBleistift01 [2013-10-17 17:12:57 +0000 UTC]

Na dann viel Glück dabei!

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DerBleistift01 In reply to Eressea-sama [2013-10-17 17:32:16 +0000 UTC]

Danke :3

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Lizalot [2013-07-15 17:06:20 +0000 UTC]

I have a question: what happens after you apply the clay 0_o do you need to bake it, or does it dry by itself?

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Eressea-sama In reply to Lizalot [2013-07-19 22:42:03 +0000 UTC]

It's air drying clay. So it drys by itself

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EternalKitsune [2013-01-13 01:46:14 +0000 UTC]

Any tips on crafting a branched sword?

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Eressea-sama In reply to EternalKitsune [2013-02-01 17:03:07 +0000 UTC]

Well, I never did one but I think you could use the same method. I would take a thicker board, because the branches might breake easiely otherwise...

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Miss-Bashful [2013-01-04 03:58:17 +0000 UTC]

This is so helpful! May I ask what kind of gab filling adhesive you used? I've been doing some research on a few kinds, but can't find one that would hold acrylic paint. :c Sorry that this is forever ago.. xD

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Eressea-sama In reply to Miss-Bashful [2013-02-01 17:10:33 +0000 UTC]

Uhm... I'm from germany, so I have different products here in my craftstores... I used adhesive from "Pattex" here and "molto" here . Don't knwo where u can get them ('caus yuo are from the united states, aren't you?) Maybe you can get something via internet

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Miss-Bashful In reply to Eressea-sama [2013-02-02 01:56:31 +0000 UTC]

Oh, yeah, I'm from the US. And I'll definitely look into those, thanks!

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hakuyukiko [2012-07-11 05:52:45 +0000 UTC]

This is a wonderful tutorial! I was looking up on how to make a sword for my upcoming cosplays but tutorials I searched up were too costly and time consuming, until I stumbled upon yours. Thank you so much for posting this up! One question I have for you is, how heavy is this sword?

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Eressea-sama In reply to hakuyukiko [2012-07-12 16:45:52 +0000 UTC]

Well, the red one, that is shown in the tutorial is the haviest, because these big red gems are really havy... but all the swords are so much lighter that any wood sword! You can easiely carry them with you all the day, even if you are a little unsportive girl like me!

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hakuyukiko In reply to Eressea-sama [2012-07-15 03:17:40 +0000 UTC]

I see, thank you so much for answering my question! Keep up the awesome work!

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Fyre-Dragon [2012-05-09 08:10:46 +0000 UTC]

Super tutorial! Es hilft mir sehr weiter
Wo bekommt man am besten diesen spaltfüllenden Kleber? Im Baumarkt oder im Bastelladen?

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Eressea-sama In reply to Fyre-Dragon [2012-05-09 10:55:02 +0000 UTC]

Ich würde sagen im Baumarkt. Spaltfüllenden Kleber gibt es da in großen Tuben. Heißt dann zum beispiel "Montagekleber"

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Fyre-Dragon In reply to Eressea-sama [2012-05-09 11:21:18 +0000 UTC]

Alles klar, vielen Dank

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aiedail-guardian [2012-02-20 02:42:15 +0000 UTC]

So you didn't have to fire the clay parts?

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Eressea-sama In reply to aiedail-guardian [2012-02-21 15:36:44 +0000 UTC]

no, it's air drying clay.

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aiedail-guardian In reply to Eressea-sama [2012-02-22 02:56:27 +0000 UTC]

I see, thnaks. That's nice since then you don't have to worry about sir bubbles making it explode in a kiln.

What exactly is the acrylic board? I see that you've said you got it from a hardware store. Is it like a tough plastic material?

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Eressea-sama In reply to aiedail-guardian [2012-02-22 08:13:40 +0000 UTC]

Well, the board is hard to describe...
Acrylic boards are very different. there are golored ones and ones clear as glas. These all are very havy because they have a high density. The board I bout is kind of foamed acrylic, that means the top and the bottom are plane, but the board itselfe is lightr ans easy to cut...
Don't know how to describe it better...

Here are some pictures:
This are the many board types you can buy out there: [link] [link]

And this is like what I have used: [link] [link]
On the page where the pictures are from they call it a PVC foamed plastic board. I bought it as acrylic board. So just ask in your local hardwarestore hoiw they call it there

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aiedail-guardian In reply to Eressea-sama [2012-02-23 03:26:07 +0000 UTC]

Oh wow, the type you used is thicker than i thought! Thanks so much for answering my questions!

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Eressea-sama In reply to aiedail-guardian [2012-02-23 08:55:41 +0000 UTC]

No problem!

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xShadow-Lightx [2011-10-04 20:48:36 +0000 UTC]

Nice, this actually looks easier than forming thing from wood... I think I'll be using your idea from now on... Totally waiting for part 3. Just wondering, what kind of clay did you use? And aside from a drummel or an electric hand saw, what would be able to cut through that? One last question is where can you find the acrylic poster board?

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Eressea-sama In reply to xShadow-Lightx [2011-10-05 06:48:24 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad this can help you ^_^

Well the clay I used is this one. But it's a german company so I don't now what the similar or comparable lables or brands in othere countrys are called...sorry.

The board and the clay are realy easy to cut so any kid of saw will do

And I got the board in a hardware store. May be you wil ha to ask there...

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xShadow-Lightx In reply to Eressea-sama [2011-10-06 02:50:06 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the tips. I will most definitely check this all out for sure. This is way easier than working with wood.

Is the final product light or heavy?

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Eressea-sama In reply to xShadow-Lightx [2011-10-06 07:25:51 +0000 UTC]

It's pretty light. But it depends on how bigg the handhold-thing is. - For the Clay is not really heavy but the gems and the gab-filligh adhesive make some weight. So my master sword is much lighter than Yug Verund ^_^

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xShadow-Lightx In reply to Eressea-sama [2011-10-06 08:16:26 +0000 UTC]

Ah ok. Thank you very much for answering these questions.

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MorganTheAdventurer [2011-10-04 18:15:25 +0000 UTC]

Very Nice, looks like a much easyer way then how ive made mine

And for a smoother finish I sugest a couple of coats of spray primer, sanding it between eash coat with some smooth sand paper, And paint it with spray paint. It's amazeing how much nicer it looks with spray paint

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Nadiaxel [2011-10-04 16:58:56 +0000 UTC]

NICE!!! Can't wait for part 3!!!!

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