Erik-the-Okapi — Cutest Mew Girl Ever (GIFT)

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Published: 2018-07-30 04:00:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 532; Favourites: 11; Downloads: 0
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Description Colored on 7/24/18


Annabelle is an older character Kendra made several years ago. She's a cute Mew.  She can learn just about any move existing.  She's a princess, though she doesn't act like one.  She has the ability to teleport or transform into another Pokémon species.  She loves to go out & meet people.  Whenever she transforms, her hair & eye color stay the same.  She can also summon bubbles.  She often transforms or turns invisible to avoid capture since Mew is such an elusive Pokémon.  She's a sweet, cheerful girl with a great sense of humor.  She's also pretty smart; but she can be overconfident in her own abilities.  Her hobbies include playing video games, surfing the net, singing, reading manga, watching anime & shopping for cute things.  Her favorite food's chocolate candy, especially with caramel inside.  She dislikes boredom.  She's 19 years old.

I've been told by Kendra that her skin is light pink. What you see there is the "lightest pink" I have....it kinda works....
Hope you like this Kendra!!


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