ertacaltinoz — An Unpleasant Welcome by-nc-nd

#altinoz #ertaç #gameofthrones #georgerrmartin #grrm #hbo #hotd #illustration #dragonstone #fireandblood #kingsguard #ertacaltinoz #westerosorg #got #rhaenyratargaryen #penguinrandomhouse #princeaegontargaryen #aegoniiitargaryen #houseofthedragon #theriseofthedragon #firewillreign #tenspeedpress #serrobertquince #seralfredbroome #grandmaestergerardys #serharrolddarke #seradrianredfort #serlorethlansdale
Published: 2022-11-04 18:22:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 23302; Favourites: 333; Downloads: 0
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Here is another official illustration I’ve provided for "The Rise Of The Dragon: An Illustrated History of the Targaryen Dynasty, Volume One" by George R. R. Martin, Elio M. García Jr. and Linda Antonsson.

And so she did... though Quince's charred corpse was burned beyond all recognition when they came upon it. Only by his size did they know him, for Ser Robert had been enormously fat. They found him hanging from the battlements of the gatehouse beside Dragonstone's steward, captain of the guard, master-at-arms... and the head and upper torso of Grand Maester Gerardys. Everything below his ribs were gone, and the Grand Maester's entrails dangled down from within his torn belly like so many burned black snakes.

The blood drained from the queen's cheeks when she beheld the bodies, but young Prince Aegon was the first to realize what they meant. "Mother, flee," he shouted, but too late.

Ser Alfred's men fell upon the queen's protectors. An axe split Ser Harrold Darke's head before his sword could clear its scabbard, and Ser Adrian Redfort was stabbed through the back with a spear. Only Ser Loreth Lansdale moved quickly enough to strike a blow in the queen's defense, cutting down the first two men who came at him before being slain himself.

©George R. R. Martin
Publisher: Penguin Random House / TenSpeed Press

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