estylonshop — [SOLD] #00290 - Fenrir [🤖]

#adoptable #characterdesign #fantasyart #fenrir #fierce #furry #lupine #mercenary #modernwarrior #soldier #stealth #strength #vigilance #wolfman #wildspirit #combatready #nightprowl #tacticalgear #primalenergy
Published: 2023-12-09 09:39:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 2880; Favourites: 45; Downloads: 0
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Name: Fenrir Nightprowl

Backstory: Fenrir Nightprowl strides from the mists of the wild, a soldier with a soul intertwined with the ancient spirit of the wolf. His presence commands attention, a combination of human cunning and lupine instinct. Dressed in tactical gear, each piece serves a purpose in his missions that blend the line between mercenary work and the call of the wild. His mask, which covers the lower half of his face, adds an air of mystery and intimidation, while his eyes, a piercing yellow, reveal a fierce intelligence. Fenrir's fur, silver-grey and impeccably groomed, hints at a disciplined life despite his feral roots. He is a protector of his pack and a formidable adversary to those who dare cross into his territory.

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  • After purchase, you will receive a stash link to download the unwatermarked file. What you see is what you get!

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