EVAUnit4A — 12- Down to the Wire [NSFW]
Published: 2010-12-03 07:12:55 +0000 UTC; Views: 1843; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 8
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Description The staff of deviantART have removed Chapter 12 due to underage erotica.  Though not described in any detail (certainly nothing offensive, WTF!!!), I regret that you will never be able to read what happened here.

However, I can summarize what happened in the chapter...

We find an un-suited Orion malnourished, weakened, and slightly bruised inside his prison cell, preparing to give into the inevitable.  He knows that when his life signs terminate, his body will be automatically replaced by a nuclear explosion, thus signaling Aqua Base, the AE drones, and the orbiting sensor satellite to immediately end operations and prepare themselves for departure home without their master.
Just before he loses unconsciousness, Orion sees a beaten and sleeping Ariel harshly plopped in front of him.

Meanwhile, Danara retires from the Prince's bedroom at last, and works her way to the slaves' quarters, where others of her kind dwell when they are not being used.  Though considered the Prince's favorite playtoy (which is not far from the truth), the others still respect her because she can put up with is the best, but they all share equal disdain for their masters even though they can do nothing about it.
In a private moment, Danara realizes that this episode with the mermaid princess exceeded the prince's usual activities, and she suddenly realizes that she participated in the brutal rape, which shakes her and she deeply regrets, but could not stop.

In Atlantica, it is a little over a week before Princess Alana's birthday, but the Kingdom is agitated over Ariel's disappearance.  Despite the arrangement made before, King Triton purposely finds Aqua Base, unaware that it is both vacant and run only by computer.  As his security force closes, the habitat's automated defenses activate, driving the assembled mermen away with loud sonar pings and dragging the unconscious ones away with several AEs; all non-lethal precautions.  But just as Triton prepares to fire the Royal Trident at the habitat, a messenger frantically arrives out of breath...

And at last, finding himself alone once more, the human is suddenly able to make contact with Orion, and he orders it Activated while he still can.
A long description follows, explaining the 13-second transformation process- how the suit was never "taken" away, but rather is attached to him via highly-advanced surgical procedure(s) before he began his mission.  The black armor is actually a black semi-fluid symbiotic life-form stored inside the vambraces and backpack, which in turn are attached to his skeleton.  Nanomachines of various types keep him alive inside the suit and regulate many of his body's autonomic functions as well.
With Orion restored, he activates his built-in emergency location beacon, and summons the high-speed Aqua Voyager submersible to his location; a journey that will take it over 10hrs.
With his systems still fluctuating unpredictably and threatening to shut down at any moment, Orion suddenly remembers that Ariel was in this cell and may need his help escaping too!  Unfortunately, the suit's Fail-Safe will occur in 12 hours, and when surpassed the biotech suit will begin to literally eat him alive from the outside in.
Not knowing what lays ahead or if he can escape in time, Orion plunges into the prison cell's pool...

I believe the questionable material that got the Chapter erased was I mention that one of the shells from Ariel's bra was left behind when Orion Activated his suit... implying that there is a topless mermaid around somewhere...
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Comments: 6

jaomcknight [2010-12-03 11:27:18 +0000 UTC]

Bunch of puritans :mad: These manta-ray people are ver dangerous. I want to punch the idiot prince for what he done with poor ariel. Did you know about a site called fanfiction.net? You can put your fanfic in there without any censorship on the content.

👍: 0 ⏩: 3

EVAUnit4A In reply to jaomcknight [2010-12-06 06:25:18 +0000 UTC]

FYI, I just posted Chapter 13.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

EVAUnit4A In reply to jaomcknight [2010-12-04 05:18:38 +0000 UTC]

Oh, yes, I know about fanfiction.net. I'm just not certain if I'll get more exposure over there than I will here, even if I can post uncensored.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jaomcknight In reply to EVAUnit4A [2010-12-06 04:13:00 +0000 UTC]

You definitely will get more exposure. i start one story there and already have about 10 reviews. It's a good place for fanfics

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EVAUnit4A In reply to jaomcknight [2010-12-04 05:17:19 +0000 UTC]

That was exactly the point I was getting to when I wrote the 'rape scene' in Chapter 11- I want them to seem ruthless and cold, so that when we see them again later, you immediately know what they are capable of.

And what better way to do that than... to have them do something... horrible to Ariel!?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

jaomcknight In reply to EVAUnit4A [2010-12-06 04:17:00 +0000 UTC]

man i want to see what orion will do when he finds out what happen to her. King Triton will decimate that prince

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