Fadura-lotti — Lightless One page 4

Published: 2011-06-21 17:44:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 1670; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 4
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Sorry about the lack of updates. Things have been... hectic in a manner of speaking. I have gotten a summer job as a hotel maid. It's eight hours a day, five days a week of hauling bedsheets, dusting, vacuuming, scrubbing toilets, dealing with stuffed toilets and having unfortunate encounters with used condoms.

Thus far, I have not entirely integrated myself into the job because I come back home and collapse after each work day. Today is the first work day wherein my legs don't feel like painful concrete blocks, which is a nice surprise. That aside, the job isn't actually terrible; the pay is good and the other workers are very lovely and helpful people.

I will try my best to update the comic again soon, but I currently do not have much spare energy. Summer is usually the time I also take to work on the comic, but times have been a bit troubled and money is needed.
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Comments: 1

ChroniclerEnigma [2018-11-27 00:39:41 +0000 UTC]

I really love the effort put into all these concepts... I remember finding your gallery a few years ago, and i stumbled across the drawings again in my favorites. I'm a little distressed to see that you've disapeared, along with many of your projects websites... I hope everythings okay on your side of things. It seems you were or have been going through a rough patch of life. I hope you are well and safe, it would be a joy to see your art and projects again some day.

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