Falcolf β€” Falcolf Pelt Colourations

Published: 2010-01-15 23:19:40 +0000 UTC; Views: 2213; Favourites: 51; Downloads: 156
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Description This is inspired by a project I'm working on, which I shall unveil to you all quite soon, but not yet. This project will be ongoing, because it will be updated as each of my books is released (this to avoid spoilers) but it should be pretty cool in any case.

Anyway, about this picture - these are the colourations found in my species Falla Penna toxicumus otherwise known as falcolfs. If you want to create a falcolf for yourself you can, just make sure everyone knows that the species is mine and I'd be particularly happy if people followed the species' genetic rules - that is, bronze is an extinct coloration, albino's extremely rare, silver falcolfs are always male with blue eyes and opal-eye falcolfs are always female with blue eyes.

Falcolfs whose pelt colours aren't sex-linked can have grey, gold, amber or green eyes. All falcolfs except albinos have black stripes and points. In direct sunlight you can see a black falcolf's stripes. Not all falcolfs have white markings, though all have lighter markings around their eyes, ear fluff and wing tips.

Otherwise, enjoy! Agouti's the prettiest I think.

(No these aren't adoptables btw. They're just examples. The falcolf's name is Dave the Amazing Colour Changing Falcolf.)


(c) Rosanna P. Brost All Rights Reserved
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Comments: 71

Falcolf In reply to ??? [2014-08-14 18:13:34 +0000 UTC]

Excellent question! I've thought about it and I don't believe that there would be. Falcolfs all pretty much have pretty clearly defined black markings (even the ones that are melanistic like Laza falcolf.deviantart.com/art/Cpl… though his markings only show up in direct sunlight) so I really don't think that dilution would be a thing that could happen without a lot of inbreeding. Since falcolfs are sentient and like humans, generally highly disinclined to do that (ew XD) any dilution which could happen would not occur. Even falcolfs in a very isolated population would avoid it and no falcolf is truly isolated thanks to their ability to fly. Males generally leave their natal clans upon reaching adulthood anyway so inbreeding is easily avoided, especially with the fact that falcolfs are truly monogamous. (They're like beavers in that they truly only ever have one mate in their entire life. If their mate dies, that's it - endgame - no more babies and there's no such thing as a one night stand. Falcolfs also cannot divorce their partners.) Females generally stay with their natal clans, though not always. Kayli's a good example of one who didn't and obviously it has to happen sometimes or new clans would not be formed. (A bit like in orca whale society, falcolfs are matriarchal.) Not that falcolfs would need to form new clans, nor would there be that many opportunities to form them because a territory for a single clan would probably be a pretty vast tract of land. I'm thinking at least five hundred to a thousand square kilometres.

So theoretically with a lot of inbreeding, it's a maybe, but falcolfs don't inbreed, so it's a no. I'm still unsure if their genetics would even support it, given that their stripe are always so clearly defined. Their stripe patterns are more likely to fragment or change, which has given rise to the different patterns that falcolfs do have. (Ribbing - the pattern commonly seen on Escavian Falcolfs, the subspecies that I usually draw - siberian, found in the Chartani subspecies - broken-stripe which looks almost exactly like ribbing only broken up, found in a few Escavian, Tarnese, Thundarican and chiefly in Grottailian falcolfs - and spotted, which is found only in a very small group of Grottailian falcolfs.) There are dilutions of body colours though - smoke is a dilute of black with silver or opal-eye.

I really need to make a new version of this reference, with better information included with it! There's a lot more colourations that falcolfs can have now (these are the basic Escavian subspecies colours) and I feel that there needs to be a body pattern reference included as well, with some examples of the different subspecies. I'm not sure how to present it yet though. Perhaps by subspecies? Some colourations only exist in certain subspecies, so that might be the best direction.

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FlareAndIcicle In reply to Falcolf [2014-08-19 11:21:37 +0000 UTC]

Too bad; cause I love golden tabby , but understandable

By subspecies sounds good yes

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Falcolf In reply to FlareAndIcicle [2014-08-19 15:53:34 +0000 UTC]

Me too, they're pretty! I didn't believe that they were quite real for a bit.

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MissXMisa [2011-04-16 10:35:15 +0000 UTC]

I Love love love love loooovveee your work !!<3<3

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Falcolf In reply to MissXMisa [2013-03-26 07:32:39 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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Cheshire-StoryTeller [2010-06-14 03:17:53 +0000 UTC]

these are wonderfull OwO

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Falcolf In reply to Cheshire-StoryTeller [2013-03-26 07:31:58 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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Ski-Machine [2010-05-26 15:59:46 +0000 UTC]

I have another question! ((like probably my fifth for this drawing alone... hehe fail me))

Are Falcolf colorations bred down like only tawneys can have tawneys and agoutis have agoutis yadda yadda, or is it kinda like cats where it dosn't matter the color of the parents because their offspring come in different colors? Like a litter of a smoke, silver and opal eye from a tawney pairing?

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Falcolf In reply to Ski-Machine [2010-06-07 06:46:17 +0000 UTC]

XDXD well it really depends on genetics. For the most part tawneys can only have tawneys, but if a tawney breeds with an agouti, then the pups can be either colour. What I mean is that the parent of the falcolf pup has to have the gene for a given colouration for it to have a chance of appearring in their young, though random mutations can and do crop up once in a while. (Kayoss's eye colour is a weird mutation of course and so are albinos.) This is actually the same with cats and all animals. Blue eyes are a mutation in humans, believe it or not. The natural eye colour for our species is brown. (Woot! I'ma mutant!!!)

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ComradeSch In reply to Falcolf [2013-03-26 02:24:23 +0000 UTC]

...Then silver are definitely unnatural. I call mine "stainless steel grey".

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Falcolf In reply to ComradeSch [2013-03-26 07:32:28 +0000 UTC]

Mutant eyes are awesome XD I usually call mine 'silver blue' because they're blue with a ring of silver in the centre.

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ComradeSch In reply to Falcolf [2013-03-26 23:42:58 +0000 UTC]


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Ski-Machine In reply to Falcolf [2010-06-07 12:16:59 +0000 UTC]

Then I'm a super mutant! Mine are green

I was just wondering

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Falcolf In reply to Ski-Machine [2010-06-07 19:01:39 +0000 UTC]

XD no problem! Fun stuff genetics!

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Ski-Machine In reply to Falcolf [2010-06-07 21:51:05 +0000 UTC]

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sindos [2010-01-22 01:42:14 +0000 UTC]

Oh my, can't define which one I like the most >_<

I love all the species development you do… I can relate, I would do something extensive if I was to create a world too.
It's really admiring… you've gone a step further from Tolkien (he didn't draw, now did him?)

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Falcolf In reply to sindos [2010-01-22 20:14:52 +0000 UTC]

I reeeally want Rimer to seem real. So I do species development because of that and also because I'm more than a little obsessed with Rimer lol. I'm a bit psycho about it actually. If you were to talk to me in real life I'd be impressed if I could go an hour without mentioning Rimer. Seriously. I also change topic at the speed of light, which gets pretty confusing for people who aren't familiar lol. (Especially as I deal with different eras in the series.) I'm actually rather sad that I don't do more species development. I'm trying to work on creating some of the lesser known creatures (there are a lot I haven't drawn) and developing some of the ones I have already, but which I don't write or draw as much about. Lately I've also started thinking about plants. Unfortunately, plants are less interesting to me, so I don't get very much done lol. I have about two kinds solidly thought of - heart fruit and a red needled pine tree which doesn't really have a name.

I'll be at this forever.

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Wrennars [2010-01-20 03:04:27 +0000 UTC]

My favorite colors are chestnut, brown, tawny, agouti, black, smoke, silver, opal eye, albino and bronze.

Haha, I love them all! But agouti is especially nice. Very earthy, in a warm sort of way, if that makes sense.

Dave is MINE! *tackles Dave*

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Falcolf In reply to Wrennars [2010-01-28 23:23:13 +0000 UTC]

*Dave squeaks and starts licking your hands*

Falcolfs have a weird thing for licking hands. They think our hands taste salty or somethin'.

'course it makes sense! Agouti's one of my faves too. It just seems really natural to me.

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Wrennars In reply to Falcolf [2010-01-29 18:09:07 +0000 UTC]

Yaaaaay squeaky Dave!

Haha, that would make sense though. Sweaty palms lol.

It really is such a gorgeous color, and it perfectly fits a Falcolf.

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cherrydemonsgirl [2010-01-18 01:52:42 +0000 UTC]

I like the Agouti and the smoke!^^

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Falcolf In reply to cherrydemonsgirl [2010-01-28 23:43:33 +0000 UTC]

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WolfsNeverDie [2010-01-17 18:24:15 +0000 UTC]

wiii, falcolf color sheet
Smoke is my favorite. And that reminds me about 2 smoke falcolf pups still remaining at corner of my mind... (you might not remeber them though ) Might be the time to redraw them

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Falcolf In reply to WolfsNeverDie [2010-01-28 23:51:34 +0000 UTC]

I remember them! They were super cute!

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gothmylittlepony [2010-01-17 06:29:23 +0000 UTC]

The Agouti and the Smoke are absolutely gorgeous. x3

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Falcolf In reply to gothmylittlepony [2010-01-28 23:51:55 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!

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Howlingstar13 [2010-01-16 21:25:41 +0000 UTC]

smoke is win <3

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Falcolf In reply to Howlingstar13 [2010-01-28 23:52:12 +0000 UTC]

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FlareAndIcicle [2010-01-16 13:45:32 +0000 UTC]

I like agouti and smoke best!

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WolvenYoukai [2010-01-16 02:45:50 +0000 UTC]

My favorites are the smoke and black.
And yes the agouti is very pretty ^w^

I'll have to make one sometime hehe
*is excited*

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Falcolf In reply to WolvenYoukai [2010-01-16 04:41:15 +0000 UTC]


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Kazzagal [2010-01-16 02:08:56 +0000 UTC]

My favourites are the smoky and bronze *nods*

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Falcolf In reply to Kazzagal [2010-01-16 02:33:21 +0000 UTC]

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TheFighting-Fox [2010-01-16 01:48:38 +0000 UTC]

Haha now that I know all the colors, I think I'll make my own Falcolf
I love the Silver and Albino, though i think it would be cool to have a white falcolf with blondish gold stripes. :3

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Falcolf In reply to TheFighting-Fox [2010-01-16 02:00:27 +0000 UTC]

Go for it! I'd love to see it!

Hey that would be really neat looking! Could be some weird genetic colour mutation.

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TheFighting-Fox In reply to Falcolf [2010-01-16 21:14:08 +0000 UTC]

Ok, i will!

And yeah, I'll be experimenting with it soon and see how it comes out

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Ski-Machine [2010-01-16 01:30:04 +0000 UTC]

Dave is awesome I like the agouti, tawny and the smoke ones best

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Falcolf In reply to Ski-Machine [2010-01-16 01:41:25 +0000 UTC]

Dave for the win. Thanks so much!

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Ski-Machine In reply to Falcolf [2010-01-16 02:01:48 +0000 UTC]

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0bayleen0 [2010-01-16 00:44:42 +0000 UTC]

Ooo I love this! LOVE the pelt colorings. Specifically: Albino, Bronze, Opal Eye, and Agouti ^^

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Falcolf In reply to 0bayleen0 [2010-01-16 04:43:33 +0000 UTC]

Thankies so much!!

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0bayleen0 In reply to Falcolf [2010-01-16 05:11:03 +0000 UTC]

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Falcolf In reply to 0bayleen0 [2010-01-16 00:50:12 +0000 UTC]

Thankies so much, I really appreciate it!

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AleriaCarventus [2010-01-16 00:29:13 +0000 UTC]

*glomps Dave*
This is cool, though as Bluie pointed out the text on Albino and Bronze is hard to read.

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Falcolf In reply to AleriaCarventus [2010-01-16 00:36:29 +0000 UTC]

*Dave wags his tail in a very un-falcolf like manner and licks your face*

The text got small 'cus the original file was over 900 metres big and I had to downsize it lol. It was a bit fail.

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AleriaCarventus In reply to Falcolf [2010-01-16 02:17:42 +0000 UTC]

Haha, I see

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Falcolf In reply to AleriaCarventus [2010-01-16 04:43:13 +0000 UTC]

I resubmitted a larger file, but the text still looks puny. Oh wellz.

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AleriaCarventus In reply to Falcolf [2010-01-16 05:41:19 +0000 UTC]

Maah, it's readable now anyway. If I squint and hold my face close to the screen
This makes me want to learn how to photomanip better so I can make a proper, normal falcolf. T_T.

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Falcolf In reply to AleriaCarventus [2010-01-28 02:40:38 +0000 UTC]


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detectivebenson [2010-01-16 00:16:25 +0000 UTC]

Yay for Dave!

... now I really want to make one. You're right... Agouti is purdy. :]

Are you going to make a genetic thing? That would be cool, cool! <3

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