FantasyCreationsByJ — Nightlight #3 (Pouncer) from HTTYD (2 of 2)

#crochet #dragon #fantasy #nightlight #pouncer #sculpture #yarn #amigurumi #sculpturefantasy #yarncraft #nightfury #crochetamigurumi #howtotrainyourdragon #httyd #amigurumiplushie #httydtoothless #nightfurydragon #httydhowtotrainyourdragon #amigurumicrochet #nightfurytoothless #lightfury #httyd3 #nightfuryhttyd #howtotrainyourdragon3 #howtotrainyourdragonthehiddenworld #httydthehiddenworld #httyd3thehiddenworld #lightfurydragon #lightfuryhttyd #yarnsculpture
Published: 2021-11-02 16:59:53 +0000 UTC; Views: 3322; Favourites: 28; Downloads: 0
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Description Here is the third of the handmade crochet baby Nightlights from How to Train Your Dragon, Pouncer!  His body is mostly white, with some black spots.  He has grey claws and hand-painted green eyes.  His wings, tail, and head are all pose-able.  The legs are pose-able to some extent, but not completely due to how short they are. 

He stands about 3.25 inches tall, is about 7 inches long and 2.25 inches wide with an 11.5 inch wingspan.

Materials used:
Acrylic Yarn
Galvanized Steel Wire
Polyfil Stuffing
Plastic Safety Eyes
Acrylic Paint

Time it took to make: 5 hours

Made using a pattern by HowToLoomYourDragon

Part 1: Nightlight #3 (Pouncer) from HTTYD (1 of 2) by FantasyCreationsByJ on DeviantArt

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Comments: 1

Coffee34coffee [2021-12-29 08:50:45 +0000 UTC]

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