Fixala — Victoria's Big Desire!

#anthro #boobs #breasts #cellulite #chubby #chunky #curvy #cute #dog #fat #feeding #fox #foxy #fur #furry #hips #lovely #obese #plump #pudgy #sexy #stretchmarks #stuffing #thighs #tight #tubby #vixen #zits #chonk #thicc
Published: 2020-09-08 04:32:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 24175; Favourites: 525; Downloads: 41
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We all remember Lesley as a slim fit girl who accidentally got a bit chubby recently. When Victoria noticed Lesley's once trimmed tight belly had turned a bit chubby, she immediately jumped into action and tied her friend to a chair only to be stuffed with all kinds of snacks and junkfood. This had been a big dream of Victoria for years! Fattening up her skinny friend! And now that Lesley had gotten a bit chubby recently, Victoria couldn't hold herself anymore and jumped into action! Lesley however wasn't amused by this at all! The body she had worked on for so many years was in a matter of days being destroyed by layers and layers of swelling and bulging fat! When Victoria finally stopped her feeding frenzy after days of non-stop stuffing sessions, Lesley wanted to get extremely mad at her closest friend, but instead her mind clouded up with the toughts of food. Forget her anger towards Victoria! The girl needs food! She needs A LOT of FOOD like RIGHT NOW!!!! When Victoria ordered an entire buffet to her adress, Lesley had forgotten all the anger she was having towards Victoria a moment ago. Especially when she let Victoria feed her everything, but this time willingly!

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Victoria and Lesley ©

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Comments: 2

CoolCSD1986 [2020-09-08 16:14:52 +0000 UTC]

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AnthroLoverJay [2020-09-08 11:06:26 +0000 UTC]

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