Flamereaper0001 — Heroforge DND Character - Raimoss

#dndcharacter #heroforge #dnddungeonsanddragons #dragonborncharacter
Published: 2023-11-03 14:58:35 +0000 UTC; Views: 782; Favourites: 7; Downloads: 0
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Description This is not a playable character I'm using in my DND campaign like Tose but he is a character I created and the two have a connection with one another. Tose is a descendant of dragons from the ocean and Raimoss is descendant of dragons from the land. Ocean Dragons being closest to the dragon king were quite obnoxious back in the day acting as a sort of dragon nobility especially in there behavior, and though their was no actual conflict due to the kings influence apart the occasional scuffle the hatred and jealousy between both sides was intense. When the Dragon King left there world the tides quite literally in the earth dragons favor and with the sea vanishing so did most of the power of the water dragons with the earth dragons taking full advantage to attack. The earth based dragonborn now search for sea based dragonborn to kill with Raimoss as one of the most skill and dangerous members of that group.
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