Fluffycakez5 — Megaman and Gravity Circuit

#fanart #megaman #megamanrockman #rockman #rockmanmegaman #vent #gravitycircuit #gravity_circuit #gravitycircuit_kai
Published: 2023-07-24 18:59:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 4401; Favourites: 69; Downloads: 2
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Description (My thoughts)
I have not finished playing Gravity Circuit yet. I am at one of the bass stages and I have taken a break from it because it is so hard. I got so much of my process reset on that level because the game has to be updated. And I got back to the most hardest parts of the level. And I could had used that time to buy the double jump circuit that someone recommended me to buy… and now looking back at it, that circuit could’ve made the level so much easier…. But I really like the game, I want to invest more into the game.
I am a huge fan of megaman, heck I have a whole gallery for my megaman art, but being in the megaman fandom… especially this forbidden website… I want to confess that seeing the reputation of megaman kinda makes me unfaithful to the fandom. Megaman has so much potential and I’m sad that it didn’t go to it’s fullest potential. Megaman been suffering neglect from it’s company. And after the rumors about Megaman having a movie, people don’t believe the movie will be good, it will be political… And once megaman does have a movie and it flops, that’ll just put a bad name to megaman and just lure even more bad eyes onto megaman… I just been seeing more things to HATE ABOUT MEGAMAN then there is to love about megaman. I loved megaman because I’ve always loved the concept of robots and love the aesthetic of megaman, and was interested in his story… and now looking back at it, it could be more, and I want megaman to have more and serve Justice to it’s name. Because megaman is underrated, the only way people would know megaman is from smash bros, and I kinda hate that version of megaman because he’s literally just a robot. No personality, he lost his humanity, he’s actually a machine when his purpose is to be a sentient robot. A lot of people portray megaman so terribly, they give him the “mario treatment” where they make him a jerk just because… He kills people? When it’s their job. This usually happens to characters that aren’t open about their personalities and they just make them so go out of character. I hate it because it feels like they’re making a bad image of that character, when I’m actually someone whose more into story and like to give characters personalities that would be accurate to how they actually are portrayed…. I wish megaman was a himbo… for beneficial reasons because it would make sense to his story. Making him goofy to be Charismatic, yet a genuine flaw when fighting. Megaman should be more confident when fighting because… HE’S GONAN FIGHT FOREVER. Yet he cannonily complains about fighting and feels regret, because he was programmed to be human… yet humans can be anything. But that shows megaman is kind and totally not a jerk compared to how people portray him… But it’s not their fault since the original megaman games aren’t story based. So of course their would be confusion…. ACTUALLY THERE’S LITTLE DETAILS BUT… im so nit picky and OBSESSED WITH MEGAMAN! I actually vent my feelings through quickman which is why he became a yandere. I’m a perfectionist and when I see something with potential, I’ll get obsessed to bring it to it’s truest potential. I want to be the one to bring megaman to a good light and get it out of the horrible dust it been thrown in.
But I never wanted to tell myself to let go. Because there’s other things that are obviously better than megaman. Like Gravity Circuit. But no… I still have a heart, i just need to be more responsible with my love. But I am going to become a refugee and go to Gravity Circuit as a more safer and healthy way to appreciate something. I still love megaman, and I want to be the one who brings it to a good light. But for now I want a break from the fandom and learn somewhere else…
It’s also the reason why making Life cut Short is so hard is because my lack of motivation for megaman and it’s a megaman story. It’s not based around megaman himself but instead of Cutman whose my favorite character from the series and is one of the best things to come from megaman. But due to association it still hurts… Actually megaman won’t even be in epsiode 6 or 7 at all because… ya know what happened in episode 5…. So why am I so upset? It’s association… I get a lot of bad memories when I make Life cut Short… actually when I animate in general I just get so many bad memories flooding my brain that I have to play some YouTube videos to flush it out, yet it makes it hard for me to concentrate. I need a safe space!
Which is why I’m interested in Gravity Circuit for comfort…
And all of that was embarrassing to confess because I just confessed I’m an obsessed fan of megaman. As a loner whose stuck in the house all the time who else do i look up to? But yeah, I wanted to come out because this secret been killing me and I just HAD TO GET SOMEONE TO HEAR ME. It’s to help me to get to a healthier point in my life. Anyways see ya~
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Comments: 4

Hexidextrous [2023-07-25 01:38:07 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Fluffycakez5 In reply to Hexidextrous [2023-07-25 01:40:53 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Hexidextrous In reply to Fluffycakez5 [2023-07-25 01:45:01 +0000 UTC]

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Fluffycakez5 In reply to Hexidextrous [2023-07-25 01:52:04 +0000 UTC]

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