FlyingSparks2005 — Tribute--Insanity [NSFW]

#miles #blood #insane #traditionalart #traditionaldrawing #tribute #carspixar #pixarcars2 #melaniemartinez #tribute_art
Published: 2023-12-28 12:46:18 +0000 UTC; Views: 391; Favourites: 1; Downloads: 0
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Description MRAAAAAAHHH This is a lil thingy for Miles lol

He's a lovely Land Rover, but with a lil twist, just the very slightest, of insanity...

Fortunately (and hopefully) he got help for that   

Song I picked was www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkyrsS… (specifically a line from verse one that I had to alter for a GOOD reason)... I also included the last line of the chorus...

The music fits Miles somehow, and I am in love with every single handsome and insane bit of him. 

Two and a half hours, with 4b pencil, Cra-Z-Art, Prismacolour and Crayola coloured pencils. Most of that 2&1/2 was for the insidious layering of the green on Miles' body as I went a lil too far with the red there and also the cross-hatching on the grey parts. 

AAAAAA CW for blood, and yes I will put a filter on (Even though it's mild, I would think some would react to the blood on that lower jaw.) I went a lil overboard!

Miles belongs to Pixar.

(EDIT: I FINALLY got Miles' diecast so expect anglesssss)
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