fongmingyun — Mondigan - Character Relations

Published: 2011-10-12 17:56:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 717; Favourites: 21; Downloads: 19
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Description When I flew back home for a week in August, I lost my pencil case (including my signature stamp). So after flipping out, I bought some cheap pencils to draw with (HB, I am accustomed to 4B). But I still didn't want to do anything fancy, so I decided to try and draw portraits of my characters (a few I have never shown the public before, even!). The goal was to get them to look different but keep nationalities and family relationships similar. I need to draw smaller eyes.

Shit gets complicated now.

Rivek is our socially-stigmatized main character who serves as the personal agent and doer of dirty work to the doctor-princess, Willow. She is as stubborn and bull-headed as she is hopeful.

In order to gain an ally and stop a war, Willow is set to marry another prince, Fenne, but he re-negs on the engagement when she proves her feelings really lie with Rivek - costing him his ability to walk. To take our his frustration, he banishes Rivek and hires Rivek's best friend, Bohren into his guard. Knowing they are now on opposite sides tears Bohren to pieces because he still needs to separate his feelings between friendship and homosexual romance.

In exchange for a new pair of legs, Fenne allies with Sorian, the leader of the country invading Willow's territory. Together, they build war machines and commit genocide.

Eamon is Fenne's scientific advisor - who helped Willow with her doctor training back in school - is afraid that the princes will murder his daughter, Perrin. So the pair seek refugee status with Willow. She accepts, and Perrin develops a rapport with Rivek due to their interest in dark magic. Rivek looks over Eamon's notes and helps re-work them to use dark magic, thus giving their side an edge advantage.

But to using dark magic requires dark mages, so he seeks the help of his estranged sister, Mirab. She agrees if once the war is over, Willow and her congress stops the genocide against their people. Kai is her adopted son. His merchant father abandoned him when he began to show traces of dark magic.

There are more details, but I think that's enough for now. Those things in the corner are some dress silhouettes from the Alexander McQueen Exhibit. Everyone's name ends in an "n" sound. *derp*

All characters belong to Grace Fong,
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Comments: 3

haius [2012-09-04 21:44:27 +0000 UTC]

Eamon is so young-looking...

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

kalkie [2011-10-23 16:53:55 +0000 UTC]

Yay- a relationship chart! This helps a lot-but it's a titchy bit too small to read, is it possible to have the option of the download image having the bigger resolution if you don't want it being too big in this page?

Besides that minor detail- ffffffffffffffacial characteristics!!!!! Love the differences in every character from the hair, the skulls, noses and frak-eyebrows and lips. D8 it's so coool.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

fongmingyun In reply to kalkie [2011-10-25 07:03:04 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I don't know if I have it any bigger. The notes area really just re-iterations of waht's in the comment section, so i didn't think I needed a bigger version.

I was thinking of making a better chart to detail characteristics, like actually listing out what they are (instead of keeping it out all in my head).

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