FrauV8 — Body Types Tutorial

Published: 2012-03-13 06:54:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 26783; Favourites: 231; Downloads: 0
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Description The last Tutorial I did sucked (it's in my Scraps, never to see the light of day again). Hopefully this one is much more informative and helpful for those who have a hard time with the Human Figure.

I ended up making this because of Health class - the Instructor was talking about body types and how most people will never obtain the "Ideal" body types due to their genetic predisposition (not to also mention poor diets and lack of exercise) to be Endomorphic or Mesomorphic. The "Ideal" body type produced by the Media is somewhat Ectomorphic - tall and thin with big boobs for women, and tall and muscular for men. Only about 5% of the population fits the "Ideal" body types (plus Photoshop doesn't help), so yeah, it really put things in perspective.

You just have to learn how to love what you got and maintain the best your body can be.


*Edit: Just corrected typos - but if there's more, let me know.
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Comments: 5

ssubramani01 [2019-03-15 09:00:54 +0000 UTC]

Hi Hello Everyone Please click The Link Lose The Fat Forever By Learning The Secrets That Our Ancestors Knew To Maintain A Healthy And Fit Body... businesscashtricks.blogspot.co…

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LostTribesManlyAnime [2013-11-05 09:05:13 +0000 UTC]

Nice tutorial I have seen most of your, but I see a common misconception and the shoulders are bigger than the chest. I use to make this mistake alot. Till I looked in the mirror and others in general. You have alot of great tutorials and its helping me learn. The female ones are the best I think. 

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Aellostriker2 [2012-03-13 15:33:04 +0000 UTC]

I wanted to create stories w/ my OCs having realistic body proportions, but its difficult to get rid of something w/c was hardwired to your brain (for years) or what you are use to. I want to believe that we are ALL beautiful & uniquely appealing despite that not all of us are like from the magazines.

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lizzy-chan5 [2012-03-13 07:01:11 +0000 UTC]

cool tutorial!

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FrauV8 In reply to lizzy-chan5 [2012-03-15 01:29:35 +0000 UTC]


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