General Information
Name: Taryn Beckett
Gender: Female
Birthday: May 30th
Age: Mid twenties
Species: Human
Powers (If Any): N/A
Birthplace: California
Current Living Place: Amity Park
Love interest: Vlad Masters
Physical Appearance
Hair Color: Light
Eye Color: Blue
Skin Tone: Peachy
Weight: 125 lbs
Height: 5'5
Normal Clothes: What's shown in the picture
Personality: Taryn is a smart and hardworking young woman who tries her hardest to prove herself no matter what's going on around her at the time. She tends to get a bit stubborn from time to time when she doesn't want to admit when she's wrong on certain things, but is willing to be the bigger person in any situation.
Likes: Reading, doing her work, coffee/tea, spending time with her friends and family, nice weather, the supernatural, tending to her garden, sweets, and anything related to the paranormal
Dislikes: Being lied to, being used, snakes, spiders and other types of bugs, thunder storms, jerks, talking about her past romances, and her stubbornness
Good Traits: Seeing the best in people and her way around technology
Bad Traits: Her stubbornness
Strange Habits (if any): N/A
Background Timeline
Childhood (0-12): Taryn was born into a navy family and moved around in the states and to different countries due to that. She made very few friends due to this and this evemtually lead to her deciding to being a bit of a book nerd.
Teenhood (13-19): Her father eventually chose to stop the constant moving around and the family final place to move was Amity Park where Taryn finished the rest of her school years. She held a few different part time jobs during this time, one place being a book store where she read up on local ghost legends of the area.
AdultHood (20+): Currently working as an assistant to Vlad Masters after she graudated from college about two years prior to the start of the series. She suspects that her boss is hiding something, but out of courtesy and respect for his privacy Taryn doesn't look into the matter.
Template (c)
Template: Basic Danny Phantom OC Template
Game (c)
Game: Female Danny Phantom Oc Maker V. 2