GhostlyGuy99 — Ask Team Justice! #24

#aggron #comic #feraligatr #flying #pokemon #scizor #pokemonmysterydungeon #aggronpokemon #feraligatrpokemon #askusanything #scizorpokemon #askmycharactersanything #ghostguy99 #rescueteamdx #armwrestling #crying #askmycharacters
Published: 2023-10-10 16:00:45 +0000 UTC; Views: 4805; Favourites: 25; Downloads: 0
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jobulletchief  asks, "Gridiron & Tsunami, can you both arm wrestle?"

bryce86  asks, "Gridiron, what do you think of Tsunami?"

Seems like Gridiron thinks pretty highly of Tsunami. I wonder why that is...

Kasual223  asks, "Does Blade sometimes miss being able to fly back when he was a Scyther?"

Blade is still capable of flight...but he can't fly like how he used to as a Scyther. It seems he really misses being a Scyther...

Feel free to ask questions to the members of Team Justice! Wanna learn more about the team or its individual members? Well, here's your chance.

If you want to ask questions, I prefer that you ask them in the Ask Team Justice posts.

Why not give a question to some of the lesser members, such as Jenny the Medicham? Or Glacia the Lapras? Or even Nightwolf the Absol?

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Comments: 2

WDG1970 [2023-10-11 04:41:10 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

GhostlyGuy99 [2023-10-10 16:01:57 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0