GhostSpectre42 — Integer City - Shauna

#digitalillustration #krita #originalcharacter #robot #robotgirl
Published: 2023-09-19 16:44:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 652; Favourites: 10; Downloads: 4
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Description Shauna (DS-8121141) is a part of the Delta Sisters, which includes Dotty and Daina. She is apart of Aqua Dreams and works in the pharmaceutical field of research. Despite being significantly shorter than her sisters, she is a Voltrion created in Factory Delta and was considered an experimental unit to her mother, Staccato. She was created alongside Dotty and Daina and the trio were convinced that they were created together.

Unlike her sisters, she is far more energetic and more social. However, she dislikes being called bald.
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