The protomartyrs of America: Cristobal, Antonio and Juan were three indian children that converted to catholicism by the efforts of the missioners. The first one, Cristobal, was martyred by his father due to of his diverse attempts to convert his family and get his father away of drunkeness. Antonio and Juan went to serve as translators for missioners. During the trip they smashed some idols, which enkindled the wrath of various natives that killed them. The three of them were from the region of Tlaxcala, Mexico and suffered a long and painful martyrdom.
Jose joined the cristeros to resist the anti-catholic government. One day, the horse of his general was killed, so to save him, José gave him his. He distracted the soldiers by shooting until he ran out of ammunitions. He was captured and after a time as prisioner, they cut the plant of his feet and made him march to the cemetery, where they stabbed him various times. To finish they killed him by shooting him.
Protomártires de América y José Luís Sánchez del Río
Los protomártires de América: Cristobal, Antonio y Juan fueron tren niños indios conversos al catolicismo por los esfuerzos de los misioneros. El primero, Cristobal, fue martirizado por su padre debido a sus diversos intentos de convertir a su familia y alejar a su padre de la ebriedad. Antonio y Juan fueron a servir como traductores de misioneros. Durante el viaje destruyeron unos ídolos, lo que encendio la ira de varios indigenas que los mataron. Los tres eran de la region de Tlaxcala, Mexico y sufrieron un martirio lento y doloroso.
José se unio a los cristeros para resistir al gobierno anticatólico. Un día, asesinaron al caballo de su general, asi que, para salvarlo, José le dio el suyo para que huyera. Distrajo a los soldados disparando hasta que se quedo sin municiones. Fue capturado y despues de un tiempo como prisionero, le desollaron la planta de los piés y lo hicieron marchar al cementerio, donde fue apuñalado varias veces. Para terminar le dieron muerte por disparos.