Goddess-Marissa — Anput

Published: 2016-08-23 20:45:32 +0000 UTC; Views: 2491; Favourites: 42; Downloads: 0
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Description NOTE: I am aware that Rriava likely took a few artistic liberties with this, but she IS a Jackal, and I like the work she did... So yeah.

Name: Anput
Gender: Female
Race: Canine
Species: Jackal
Age: Exact Age Unknown. Possibly immortal as she never seems to age.
Residence (Current):

The Peridtions Demise,
The Expansion Regions, Axonar, Aroxinori.


(Current) Pirate Queen.

Affinity: Evil... Questionably so.
Other Forms: Feral Form
Significant People:

Suki: Friend. Subordinate.
Soleil: Close friend. Second in Command.
Kathryn: Mortal Enemy.
Any ruler: Enemy.

Likes: Money, respect, politeness, freedom, having control/power, friends, stealing from others.
Dislikes: Disrespect, rudeness, strict rules, lacking control/power over something, governments, stealing. From her, rape, murdering innocents.

Strengths: Extremely agile, very sensitive hearing, proficient in quick-drawing pistols, intelligent, powerful magically, deadly with pistols, respectful to others, loyal (to a degree), good at dealing with money as a whole, as well as pick-pocketing.
Weaknesses: Very greedy, self-centered (most of the time), very sensitive hearing, not accurate at long range, terrible at close range, physically weak.

Powers/Abilities: Extensive Magic (And Scepter), Pistol Proficiency.

Extensive Magic + Scepter:

Despite to how physically weak Anput is, she - fortunately - is VERY powerful in a magical sense, for a mortal at least, possessing magical abilities that come close to those of Mina. The reason for her extensive magical prowess is far from known, but there are plenty of theories revolving around it: Dark Magic, corruption, and all manner of other outlandish ideas. What is known about her magic though, is that it's always present, and she has so much of it that she cannot utilize it fully without her special Scepter; this scepter is a sentient weapon capable of responding to a simple spell that she casts to call it into her hand, but it otherwise is fully capable of talking and moving under its own power, thanks to slivers of Anput's magic that reside in it. The name of the weapon is unknown, but it - in conjunction with its wielder - are extremely dangerous. They aren't impossible to overcome - many people have done it before when she was young and learning - but at the very least, the weapon adds to her reputation as one of the most - if not the most - infamous and dangerous pirates in Axonar.

Pistol Proficiency:

Anput was seen as an 'underdog' all of her life, being inferior physically to all other pirates on The Peridtions Demise and as such, she made small weapons such as pistols, her specialty. It took her constant training over the time of a few years, but over that time, she was able to perfect the art of using the pistols to a very impressive degree. This mastery of the small weapon entailed her being able to quick-draw her pistols far quicker than opponents, and aim with far more precision at decently close range, and reload the ammunition of the weapon at a frighteningly fast rate. All of these factors, when combined, are what allowed her to fight the previous Pirate Leader and take her rightful place as the Pirate Queen.


Anput is a very lively woman, and - despite her role - has a mind full of good intentions... She just doesn't always act with those intentions at heart. She is exceptionally greedy, and usually just looks out for herself, though this broadened when she found her 'calling' in life; she sees all those around her that she trusts to be like her family - since she renounced her birth family as misogynistic bastards due to how little they let her do - and as such, she treats them as such, and will always look out for them and acts with all of their best intentions at heart. Everybody around her that has gotten to know her, tends to love her for her very social nature; while this Jackal does have teeth, she only reveals them to those that wrong her and her followers. She is very intelligent in the logical sense; she can process information and arrange it very rapidly and enjoys testing her mind to its limits. She's also very loyal to a select few people around her, despite being above everybody else in the command chain. She is rather respectful to those that she knows are trustworthy, but she's quick to anger and hard to please for those that she doesn't trust. She has a very calm and collected outlook, and while she may get a little angry, she will only reveal her anger if she feels it's necessary to do so, otherwise she just embraces the fact that she's very calm as a person. Overall, she has traits that you... Wouldn't really expect from the Queen of all Pirates in the Galaxy, but that's exactly why she's so widely obeyed by pirates everywhere.


Anput was born to a fairly wealthy family on the desert world of Solitude, deep within the Expansion Regions of Axonar. Her family was very historically inclined and as a whole, enjoyed activities that involved galactic history. However, the family was mostly focused on the history of the Expansion Region sector they lived in, which Anput grew to dislike; she could have anything she wanted - and she got everything she could ever want - except for one thing; fulfillment of her desire to see the universe, and learn what it had to offer her. Anput had an extensive interest in galactic history - far, FAR greater than that of her other family members - and wanted to learn all that she could about it... But her family was extremely strict and had a lot of rules that she was forced to follow - sometimes by force... Much to her dismay. This greatly infuriated the young Jackal; everything she wanted to do was met with "NO." from her parents, and she just desired to be free and able to do what her family wouldn't allow her to do. As such, she ran from home, and - after a few days - joined the crew of the Pirate Destroyer, Defiant.

While onboard the Defiant, Anput first discovered her aptitude for magic - something that she quickly learned to not use due to just HOW powerful it was. After a bit of digging, Anput managed to figure out that her magic came from her mother's side of the family. She wasn't sure why it manifested now, being as she'd never been able to use magic before, no matter how hard she had tried in the past. It left her with more questions than answers, but she was forced to let them go unanswered for the time being. During her time on the Defiant, Anput was treated - initially - as a guest, but in time, she was eventually accepted into the 'family' of pirates onboard the ship; when she joined, she didn't expect such a... Warm welcome; it went to disprove the myth that Axonarrian Pirates were heartless bastards... At least partially... In her eyes. It was during the time onboard the Defiant that Anput obtained her unique signature weapon; her Scepter. Even now, it's not known how she came into possession of the weapon, just that it bound its will to her, and it never left her side since.

For the next few years, Anput found her skills put to the test as the Defiant was pirating ship after ship after ship. She used these opportunities to hone on her pistol skills, which rapidly began to improve as she was forced to learn under actual combat conditions how to use pistols efficiently, lest her scepter failed to protect her and she met a demise that she... Didn't particularly wish to have. This - as such - accelerated the rate at which she learned every trick in the book for utilizing a pistol. This time was also when she began to duel to the death with other members of the crew of the Defiant to slowly go up the ranks, and - by the time she had gotten a decent mastery of Pistols, and was getting used to quick-drawing - she was the second in command of the destroyer. This trend continued as she fought more and more to improve her skills; her scepter blocked most ballistic and energy attacks used against her, and - eventually - she challenged the captain of the Defiant for command of the destroyer. The fight was very long due to Anput not utilizing her scepter to defend herself during it, but she did eventually best the captain due to the fact that she had a lot more energy and agility than he did. As a 'trophy' of winning, she basically took his dual Flintlock pistols after he offered them up to her, as well as his ship.

This is how the next few years went; she continued refining the skills she had and challenged her superiors when she felt ready for it; she had come to dislike how the Pirate King ran everything, and thus wanted to challenge him - she knew it'd be hard, but she needed to do it for her own sake. Eventually - after being in the Pirate faction for far longer than she should've lived for - Anput reached the level of power she wanted, as well as status, and sought to challenge the Pirate King. She reasoned that she'd have to get through Soleil first - it made sense, since she was in her way to get to the throne - but... Soleil was smarter than Anput had originally thought. The two reached an agreement; Soleil would stand down and allow Anput to challenge the Pirate King, and - should she succeed and remain alive for her bold antics - stand down and resign to being Anput's second in command. And thus, Anput challenged the Pirate King... And won, after a battle that lasted what seemed like hours. With her victory made clear, she made it a personal vendetta against the Pirate King, and executed him - the only loser she'd ever executed. With the business all wrapped up, Anput was essentially crowned the Pirate Queen, and took command of all pirates that would follow her in Axonar, and held up her end of the bargain, allowing Soleil to be her second in command.

Anput @ Me
Soleil @ StardustDragon258  
Art/Design @ Rriava
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Comments: 29

BandBSketches [2016-08-30 13:27:49 +0000 UTC]

She looks awesomely!

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Wolf790 [2016-08-23 23:26:47 +0000 UTC]

Oml this is good

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Goddess-Marissa In reply to Wolf790 [2016-08-23 23:29:10 +0000 UTC]

Indeed it is. Rriava really outdid herself on the art for this one haha.

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Wolf790 In reply to Goddess-Marissa [2016-08-24 15:00:36 +0000 UTC]

She did a good job :3

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DrakeTheAngel [2016-08-23 22:39:49 +0000 UTC]

So awesome looking! I love the Egyption feel of her.

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Goddess-Marissa In reply to DrakeTheAngel [2016-08-23 23:28:47 +0000 UTC]

Yeah. I wanted a Jackal character, and since the name Anput is literally the feminine form of Anubis... The Egyptian feel fits

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DrakeTheAngel In reply to Goddess-Marissa [2016-08-23 23:33:16 +0000 UTC]

That's interesting and it definitely fits.

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Goddess-Marissa In reply to DrakeTheAngel [2016-08-23 23:34:28 +0000 UTC]

Yeah. Rriava certainly did a brilliant job making what I had in my head a reality haha.

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DrakeTheAngel In reply to Goddess-Marissa [2016-08-23 23:35:39 +0000 UTC]

That's always good when both parties are happy with an art piece.

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Ladiesman100 [2016-08-23 21:05:24 +0000 UTC]

I'm clearly seeing influence of Egyptian mythology. She looks like a female version of Anubis

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Goddess-Marissa In reply to Ladiesman100 [2016-08-23 21:05:54 +0000 UTC]

Dude. Google Anput. Anput is literally a female Anubis XD

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Ladiesman100 In reply to Goddess-Marissa [2016-08-23 21:10:01 +0000 UTC]

I didn't know that I'm ashamed now. Should have played Age of Mythology more when I was a kid XD

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Goddess-Marissa In reply to Ladiesman100 [2016-08-23 21:10:44 +0000 UTC]

Eh. I didn't know until I googled 'Female Anubis'. It's all good xD

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Ladiesman100 In reply to Goddess-Marissa [2016-08-23 21:13:12 +0000 UTC]

I have actually a self made picture of Anubis on my bedroom Wall. The finest piece of Art I've ever created. I made it in high school.

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Goddess-Marissa In reply to Ladiesman100 [2016-08-23 21:13:47 +0000 UTC]

Noice haha. My 'art' lies in the backstories and such I write; you looked at the ones for Anput here, and Aurora?

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Ladiesman100 In reply to Goddess-Marissa [2016-08-23 21:16:11 +0000 UTC]

I didn't read them to the end but I looked at some parts. My art is mainly writing too and I'm really surprised how I was able to create that picture anyway. It totally looks like Anubis.

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Goddess-Marissa In reply to Ladiesman100 [2016-08-23 21:17:26 +0000 UTC]

You should give them a read; I'd appreciate it haha.

And yeah, I can imagine that lol.

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Ladiesman100 In reply to Goddess-Marissa [2016-08-23 21:22:18 +0000 UTC]

I try to read them sometimes

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Goddess-Marissa In reply to Ladiesman100 [2016-08-23 21:23:09 +0000 UTC]

Alright, thanks

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Ladiesman100 In reply to Goddess-Marissa [2016-08-23 21:31:34 +0000 UTC]

Do you still roleplay?

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Goddess-Marissa In reply to Ladiesman100 [2016-08-23 21:32:22 +0000 UTC]

Not much (and mostly on Skype) but yes. I've been quite preoccupied lately though. Should clear up post-Thursday though.

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Ladiesman100 In reply to Goddess-Marissa [2016-08-23 21:37:20 +0000 UTC]

I can't do roleplay on Skype due to a certain promise I've made.

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fredje323 [2016-08-23 20:51:53 +0000 UTC]

Haha, Osborn could be there XD

I mean Soleil is there too XD

He is a masterful Pirate XD

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Goddess-Marissa In reply to fredje323 [2016-08-23 20:52:48 +0000 UTC]

We'll see in the future; there's every chance Anput might take interest in him... After shouting at him for something, probably xD

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fredje323 In reply to Goddess-Marissa [2016-08-23 20:57:45 +0000 UTC]

Haha, nice XD

Well Suki, Soleil and Anput should keep him in line just fine XD
As long as he can brawl at bay w/o killing and fight enough, he listens well XD

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Goddess-Marissa In reply to fredje323 [2016-08-23 21:01:35 +0000 UTC]


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fredje323 In reply to Goddess-Marissa [2016-08-23 21:01:55 +0000 UTC]

Ya or Nah? XD

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Goddess-Marissa In reply to fredje323 [2016-08-23 21:02:30 +0000 UTC]

Meh at present. May change in the future xD

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fredje323 In reply to Goddess-Marissa [2016-08-24 09:01:53 +0000 UTC]

Given it a thought?  
(<-- pushy AF)

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