Goddess-Marissa — Artemis

Published: 2016-01-10 21:16:27 +0000 UTC; Views: 2111; Favourites: 39; Downloads: 0
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Description Name: Artemis.
Nicknames: Artie' (Common) Arte' (Common) 'Miss (Common)
Race: Dragon.
Species: Progenitor.
Age: 25 Dragon Years Old (750 Human Years Old)
Residence (Current):

Not entirely known,
Adyati Prime,
Adyati Empirical Space, Axonar, Aroxinori.


(Current) Huntress
(Current) Avatar of the Hunting Goddess

Affinity: Neutral-Good
Significant People:

Setta: Empress.
Hesione (Deceased): Mother.
Jacob (Deceased): Mentor. Father Figure

Likes: Hunting, killing Raywith Destroyers, the Goddess of the Hunt, creating balance in nature.
Dislikes: Inbalance, Raywith Destroyers, invalid murdering, not respecting species rarities when hunting.

Strengths: Bow-handling, sniping proficiency, her looks, illusion-oriented magic, speed, flexibility and agility, nimbleness with a knife-type blade.
Weaknesses: Physically weak compared to what she hunts, terrible with words, quite revenge-focused, doesn't know (or understand) her limits, constantly pushing herself to them - and beyond.

Element: Fire (Adept)
Powers/Unique Items: Avatar of the Hunting Goddess, Trandoshan Advanced Sniper Rifle, Heaven's Ascension. Magic.

Hunting Goddess Avatar:

Artemis was chosen by Kyethia, the Goddess of the Hunt to represent her in the mortal world as an Avatar. The reasoning for being chosen as an Avatar isn't known, but it's a rare honor to be granted, and Artemis prides herself greatly on the fact that she is one such Avatar. Being an Avatar grants the being special abilities, items or skills specific to the Godlike being that chose them as their Avatar, in Artemis' case, Kyethia allowed the dragoness to have a supernatural mastery of using a ranged weapon such as her bow or sniper rifle. Kyethia also allowed Artemis to have the Heaven's Ascension; the Goddess' own enchanted bow with a lot of power behind it. Due to being Kyethia's Avatar, Artemis is extremely powerful with the Heaven's Ascension, being able to wield the weapon from its maximum range of over 500 meters from a target, and inflict the maximum damage she can from that range, with pinpoint precision - being able to hit the antlers of a moving animal from 500 meters away if nothing obstructed her shot.

Trandoshan Multi-Rifle - 'Lèvres du Mort':

The Transdoshan MR (Multi-Rifle) is a weapon capable of taking on three separate forms; sniping mode, rifle mode and a compact storage mode. This kind of weapon is commonplace in the militaries of the galaxy, with Trandoshan being the biggest supplier of the versatile weapons. The MR used by Artemis is heavily modified to be more inline with how her bow works. Dubbed the Lèvres du Mort, the weapon contains two internal drum magazines, one of which contains normal bullets, while the other contains a special device developed by the Androni to synthesize elemental projectiles. The weapon also contains a third canister slot inside of its base, used to store the energy needed to fire Plasma at targets. The weapon is capable of using all three ammunition types; the MR has three barrels and a loading system for each one, allowing the rifle to load one barrel with each ammunition type at a time, though most of the time, Artemis will only fire one ammunition type in all three barrels, due to the mixed max ranges of the ammunition types.

Heaven's Ascension + Its Arrows:

Artemis' bow - named Heaven's Ascension - is an... Interesting weapon; it's not technological in nature, and is instead a typical - albeit elegant - bow with several magical enchantments on it. This bow was provided to the young dragoness by the Hunting Goddess, as one of her two main gifts to the female Avatar. The weapon is tied to the life-force of Artemis, and doesn't require the dragoness to carry a quiver of arrows for it; when the bow string is pulled back, magic causes an arrow to materialize ready for the weapon to launch. These arrows will always pierce through any form of energy shielding on a target due to enchantments, and - depending on what Artemis is thinking at the time - can carry elemental tips of any of the Core Elements, have a poisonous tip (such as a sleeping arrow for pacifying targets, or to carry other poisons) or just be a regular arrow. The bow is capable of creating a larger arrow and launching it at an amplified speed from what Artemis fires it at, this arrow functions like the elemental arrows and such, but will split into four equally sized arrows upon clearing the bow itself.


Artemis has a great degree of access to Magic; she isn't able to manipulate Magic in order to have a second element, but she is capable of using her Magical powers to aid greatly in her hunting excursions, as well as conjuration spells as well as manipulating her environment in a fair few ways.


Artemis is an extremely flirtatious and vain individual, loving to receive compliments - especially those to do with her body,  as most males and females alike fall silent when she walks by - and will flirt with those around her when she has nothing better to actually be doing. Equipped with the Heaven's Ascension and the Lèvres du Mort (French for Lips of Death) Artemis is extremely fast on her feet, being able to outmaneuver most things in the wild, and being very agile and able to turn on a dime. She is also extremely sensitive in terms of her hearing, being in tune with nature and being able to hear the faintest footsteps in fairly close proximity. She is a little bit shy when first meeting somebody, but is also quite quick to open up to those that befriend her. She is a person that can easily live on her own, but enjoys company, however, she dislikes relying on others unless she knows she can trust them entirely. She has a great tolerance for anger, so that she doesn't get pissed off easily... But if she does become angry, somebody is going to become her latest prey.

Artemis isn't one to fight unless she has too; during a conflict she'll try to avoid fighting, but - when needed - is able to fight extremely well. While close quarters aren't her area of expertise, she can handle herself pretty well with a knife due to her superior agility and speed. That said, she is extremely reluctant to get to close-quarters combat with somebody, and is able to easily be beat by somebody with more experience in such combat techniques than her. At a distance she is almost untouchable, due to how she fights with the Heaven's Ascension. She is a master of stealth, commonly blending in to be like a shadow when stalking her next prey - virtually undetectable, silent and lethal. She will only kill when deemed necessary for her; get in her way while hunting, and you will find an arrow straight through your head before you can blink. While she is easygoing on most things and won't complain, she can be extremely stubborn and prides herself on her looks a lot; touch without permission, and she gets extremely antagonized over it.


Artemis was born to a moderately wealthy Progenitor family on the Progenitor rim-wold of Osiris, and... Didn't live a particularly fun young life; Osiris had one issue, but it was a big problem; it was infested with Raywith Destroyers. One such Destroyer was responsible for a brutal attack that would change Artemis' life forever; at the age of 5 Dragon-Years, said Raywith Destroyer laid complete waste to Artemis' village, sparing very few people. Artemis and her mother were two of the few survivors of the attack, and the beast was one Artemis would remember; it looked her in the eyes before leaving the village. Neither Artemis nor her mother knew why the Raywith didn't just kill the young female there and then, but they honestly did not care in the slightest; they were alive, and that's all that mattered to them. The pair fled the village, and had to adapt to the wilderness; there wasn't another village for a few hundred kilometers, and the planetary capital was on the other side of the planet. They soon met a hunter who was more than willing to help the females out, and the three of them formed a sort of bond, with Artemis seeing the hunter as a sort of father figure. The Hunter took the young dragoness under his wing, and taught her the basics of hunting, which Artemis picked up very quickly for her age, surprising the hunter with how well she was naturally able to handle a bow, though she wasn't as good with the Hunter's rifle (she wasn't bad, though.)

Artemis trained under the hunter for years, quickly being extremely proficient in the art of wielding a bow and killing things with it. Her amazing efficiency with bows led to her gaining the attention of the Goddess of the Hunt, Kyethia; the Goddess decided that Artemis would make a good Avatar for her intentions, and thus chose to bestow her gifts upon the dragoness, one of these gifts was the increase of her ability to wield bows with impressive skill, and with this gift, she was now able to hit small targets from long range, assuming nothing was in her way. This, however, was a small gift in comparison to what the Goddess then chose to bestow on Artemis; Kyethia granted her the Heaven's Ascension, an enchanted bow with infinite ammunition, that would be tied to Artemis' life force and mental connections, bringing the powerful weapon fully under the fire dragoness' command.

Artemis continued training, now striking out alone from the hut she'd called home for as long as she had, and honed her skills on wild game and - when she got the rare chance - the monsters inhabiting Osiris. Eventually, however, the hunter she had become attached to as a father, took her out to hunt a wild Raywith Destroyer - the very same one that torched her village to the ground all those years ago - and they battled the ferocious Wyvern. This fight... Didn't last long, however; the Destroyer - despite the Hunter using his custom rifle, the Lèvres du Mort - managed to strike the hunter while he was reloading the rifle; if the Destroyer was smaller, it might have only injured him, but due to the beast's sheer size, the claws killed the hunter quite brutally. This action - naturally - affected Artemis quite profusely, and she essentially got into a rage, but was attacked by the Wyvern's tail-blade, causing her great pain while the Raywith essentially gloated over the death of her father figure. Grief-stricken, Artemis made a key decision; in a painful move, she grabbed du Mort from the hunter, and took a very rapid scoped shot... Right into the skull of the titanic dragon, causing it to roar in fury and pain, as she took more and more desperate shots, killing the beast mercilessly. The battle was over, and - despite her losses - Artemis had avenged the death of the hunter... And the deaths of all of those in her village. That was short-lived, though; she collapsed soon after, the main wound inflicted by the Destroyer - as well as the other wounds - proving too much for her to handle. She was lucky that the death of the dragon had been heard from a nearby city - which was a mere five minutes away by flight - which had been plagued by the dragon for years, and thus, Artemis was rescued by people from that city, who tended to her wounds. Once healed of her wounds, Artemis was practically forced to adapt to city life; her mother had taken to living in the city upon hearing of the death of the hunter, and thus, Artemis did all she could to care for the grief-stricken female, caring for her for years and hoping to the divines that she'd get out of her depression... She didn't. A mere few years later, she - unfortunately - died of grief, leaving a gaping hole in Artemis' heart, which wouldn't heal for another few hundred years.

Artemis tried to put it all behind her, and make her own way in the world. Immediately after Hesione's death, Artemis settled down for the time being in the city, and decided to resume her hunting as a way to bring in money to book a ship to another planet; she just wanted to put this one behind her, and move on. The leering looks males gave her suggested she tried prostitution, but she resisted that perverse urge. She did, however, make a few true friends; one of these friends provided her with clothing more... Befitting of a civilized huntress like she was now; the attire was reinforced in order for it to resist potential cut wounds and such, at the expensive of a bit more weight; this was something Artemis didn't care about, due to her moderate strength. Artemis did - admittedly - believe that wearing a corset, of all things, while hunting would be detrimental, but it made her realize that she doesn't have to move her waist too much during her shots, so she continued wearing it; that, and she's extremely vain, and loved the outfit, and the looks it got her.

After about a Dragon-Year of work, Artemis - at the age of 23 - had enough Credits accrued to book flight off of Osiris, and thus, she did. Her life up to now had been full of ups and downs, and it had been an emotional roller coaster for her, but she had survived a lot of abuse from nature herself, and had well and truly earned her title as the Hunting Goddess' Avatar. Thus, she took a flight to Adyati Prime - the Adyat throneworld - and settled down there, waiting to see where life would take her next.

Artemis @ Me
Art/Design @ Rriava 

(The other art of Artemis is found here: sta.sh/01d1o13hqj5p )
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Comments: 20

dragonjoris [2017-02-08 14:53:10 +0000 UTC]

she s really beautifull with cute story ^^

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

fredje323 [2016-08-04 11:05:45 +0000 UTC]

Haha, amazing

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Goddess-Marissa In reply to fredje323 [2016-08-04 11:10:31 +0000 UTC]

Riv did a great job, as usual

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

fredje323 [2016-07-31 17:11:50 +0000 UTC]

Well let's see how many people will actually read all the work you put in her

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Goddess-Marissa In reply to fredje323 [2016-07-31 17:44:16 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, let's xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

fredje323 In reply to Goddess-Marissa [2016-07-31 18:14:53 +0000 UTC]

I did XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Goddess-Marissa In reply to fredje323 [2016-07-31 18:19:08 +0000 UTC]

Good to hear xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

fredje323 In reply to Goddess-Marissa [2016-07-31 18:30:52 +0000 UTC]


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BandBSketches [2016-06-18 08:40:41 +0000 UTC]

Awesome! I like the colloring X3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

PHOENIX21452 [2016-01-26 12:14:30 +0000 UTC]

I think she looks really Beautiful. 10/10. Nice.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

StardustLightseeker [2016-01-25 05:16:05 +0000 UTC]

randomly glomps Artemis  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Goddess-Marissa In reply to StardustLightseeker [2016-01-25 08:15:09 +0000 UTC]

Hai :3 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

StardustLightseeker In reply to Goddess-Marissa [2016-01-26 05:05:59 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Theswiftair [2016-01-10 21:40:52 +0000 UTC]

Wow she really looks like a beautifully drawn character!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Goddess-Marissa In reply to Theswiftair [2016-01-10 21:57:00 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad you think so; that's the look I was going for

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Theswiftair In reply to Goddess-Marissa [2016-01-10 23:13:47 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Rriava [2016-01-10 21:35:16 +0000 UTC]

Wow, I must say you made a good job with the lineart and colours It is not always simple to make a perfect lineart after sketch, but you did it perfectly and clean. She sure looks like an exotic dancer now

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Goddess-Marissa In reply to Rriava [2016-01-10 21:56:21 +0000 UTC]

It was dodgy and hard to do in places, to say the least... But it paid off

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

StardustLightseeker [2016-01-10 21:21:24 +0000 UTC]

She is a really pretty character  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Goddess-Marissa In reply to StardustLightseeker [2016-01-10 21:23:49 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad you think so; check your notes in regard to the other picture I was referencing here :3

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