Goddess-Marissa — Kathryn

Published: 2016-05-16 20:19:07 +0000 UTC; Views: 1250; Favourites: 34; Downloads: 0
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Description Name: Kathryn Verna
Nicknames: Kath
Gender: Female
Race: Dragon
Species: Progenitor
Age: 25 Dragon Years Old (Possesses the Enigma Device and is - as such - capable of always being this age.)
Residence (Current):

Her Inner Sanctum.
The Dardanelles.
Location Varies, Aroxinori.


(Current) Verna Mafia Leader.
(Current) Queen of the Criminal Underworld. (Self title)

Affinity: None; nobody can place her under the 'Good', 'Evil' or 'Neutral' affinities.
Other Forms: Feral Form
Significant People:

Anput (And the rest of the Pirate Clans): Enemy.
Harkon (and other Mafia leaders that oppose her): Rival.
Dardanelles AI: As close to a romantic interest as Kathryn can get.

Likes: Like-minded people, money, possessions, respect, backstabbing people, theft.
Dislikes: The law, Pirates, other criminal organizations, charity, lawful people, disrespect.

Strengths: Excellent pistol-combatant (on par, if not better than Anput and Ace in all areas of pistol-wielding), good at using her body to get what she wants, efficient killer, full of many surprises, immortal.
Weaknesses: Extremely self-centered, greedy, not the best tactician, incredibly vain, susceptible to certain forms of mind control, physically weak (relies on her pistol and magic)

Element: Ice (Adept)
Powers/Abilities: Extensive Magic. Invincible. 50 Caliber Revolver (Unique Firearm)

Extensive Magic:

Kathryn is an especially powerful magical user; the magical teachings which she knows are more than capable of allowing her to be far more powerful than most other common beings in Axonar. Most of her uses for magic are defensive, however; Magic is a tool she uses for defense and utility only - never for offensive purposes. She is very apt in the art of creating barriers and defensive measures - such as shields - with Magic, as well as disarming her enemies. However, not much else is known about Kathryn's capability to wield Magic; you're usually dead before you see what she can do with her 'gift.'


Kathryn is physically incapable of dying due to having a binding force that ties her to the Enigma Device; this device allows her to attain immortality by freezing the aging process, permanently keeping her at her present age, both physically and mentally. This - in effect - means that - while the device is running - Kathryn will never age. The Enigma Device is located at the heart of her flagship - in her sanctum - and is, as such, almost impossible to access, without going through Kathryn first.

Model 500 Revolver:

An extremely rare and unique weapon in Axonar, Kathryn's Model 500 Revolver is a one-of-a-kind weapon. Working much like a typical revolver from the 1970's, the only reason this revolver still works is because a lot of Kathryn's original magical powers were tied with the weapon in the form of enchantments, making it far more potent and able to work no matter the condition it's in - that said, it will not work in vacuum, due to not having oxygen to ignite the gunpowder and launch its ammunition. Kathryn's Revolver uses 50 Caliber bullets as its ammunition, enabling her a lot of power to blow brains out of people's heads from close range. Due to her enchantments, the bullets of the revolver are capable of being virtually unstoppable anyway; Magical and Psychic Barriers won't stop a shot from her Revolver. Kathryn's Revolver is a one of a kind weapon that Kathryn found thousands of years ago. No more exist, due to the Third World War on Earth resulting in the eradication of much of the knowledge from Ancient Earthen times.


Progenitor Dragonesses are very often seen as extremely placid creatures, and are commonly seen as merely pretty faces... Kathryn is the most excessive exception to this stereotype in Axonarrian history. The phrase 'Beauty can kill' is extremely applicable too her. Kathryn is a very vanity-oriented dragoness, and loves to look good, but not overly so. She knows full well that she looks good to others, and thus takes full advantage of her beauty to get things she wants in life. She's very easy to anger - so much as looking at her with disdain can make her raise her revolver to your face - and potentially pull the trigger. She has an immense hatred of the pirate clans - especially the ones led directly by the Pirate Queen - commonly calling them barbaric savages with no regard to the safety of the galaxy at large. This is where Kathryn's ideals shape her personality greatly; she is not against extortion of any kind, and it's one of the big things done by the Mafia, but - unless the situation calls for it - she has a heavy dislike of harming innocent civilians - though, that is mostly for selfish reasons; if she kills innocents, she can't extort them for money. Kathryn has an equally immense hatred for the law, and despises anything related to the major powers of the galaxy. Kathryn is extremely self-centered, and will only look out for herself - and very rarely, those that are closest to her - in her dealings, though that does include the welfare of her Mafia as a whole. She is also extremely greedy and materialistic, wanting all the fun 'toys' for herself - this has led her on many escapades, including the theft of Capital Ships belonging to the major powers.


Kathryn was born on the backwater Progenitor world of Keris IV, which was located on the borders between the Progenitor and the Androni, and - as such - saw quite frequent activity from the Androni when they paid their visits to the world. The family she lived with wasn't the one she was born into; she was an orphan, and thus had to live with a foster family. Needless to say, Kathryn... Did not like her foster-parents very much at all. Despite her disliking her adoptive parents, Kathryn wasn't very rebellious. She was quite the opposite, actually; she did anything asked of her with impunity, and tried her best to never let people down. The reason for this behavior is simple: She used to be naive; she believed that there was nothing really wrong with her home, despite the obvious corruption going on around her... This naive viewpoint was shattered however, when she turned 16 dragon years old; while she had been a model citizen up to this point, and was a joy to be around, even going as far to pursue a career in teaching, but then the city she resided in turned against her in one swift action. She was framed for multiple accounts of murder and other capital charges, despite evidence clearly pointing to the fact that she was nowhere near the site of the crimes. Despite doing her best to plead innocent, the corruption of the planet shone through, and the government declared a manhunt to be undertaken in order to bring her to 'justice' for her 'crimes,' and thus, Kathryn found herself having to run from her long-time home, all because of false accusations.

Kathryn was on the run for weeks, but eventually, she found herself being slowly cornered by the people and dragons partaking in the massive hunt, and she knew that she was now running on borrowed time. All the while, the wanted dragoness was shadowed by a starship of unknown origin. When she was finally trapped by the hunting parties, the vessel made itself known, using its advanced technology to safely extract Kathryn from the surface, and take her away from the world. When queried as to why the ship had done what it had, it didn't give much of an answer, really, just that its purpose was the defense of Kathryn, for reasons unknown. It was also during this time that she learned the ship's identity; the Dardanelles. The Dardanelles took Kathryn to another planet, Verah Prime, which was dominated primarily by mob-like organizations. After being supplied with a heavily enchanted revolver - which would go on to be her signature firearm - by the Dardanelles - who had claimed to have found it several years prior - Kathryn elected to - in essence - give law and order the middle claw. Over the space of a mere few dragon-years, she consolidated power by systematically usurping control of each crime syndicate on Verah Prime. With each one, her personality began to flip slowly, as she became more vindictive and realized just what being an adult was like. By the time she was 23 dragon years old, she had consolidated her large amount of raw power over the Verah system and its multiple planetary colonies and stations.

However, things were far from over; such rapid consolidation was far from unnoticed by the wider universe; the Progenitor Imperium themselves were the first to take actions against Kathryn, dispatching a small military task-group - consisting of several carriers, several dozen battleships and other vessels - to uproot Kathryn's budding criminal organization while they had the chance. While the Progenitor attempt was unsuccessful in its main task of dissolving Kathryn's organization, what they had done, is brought her to the attention of many crime-lords and pirates, all of which were more powerful than Kathryn was. While this had the potential to become a fighting-ground for the massive mafia-wars that had been going on across Axonar for centuries, it didn't. The Briant Mafia - the biggest Mafia in Axonar at the time - were immensely fast to respond to the opportunity, using the sheer number of ships they had possession over, to mount a military campaign against Kathryn. Unsurprisingly, this campaign was over rather quickly, with the Briant emerging victorious. Kathryn found herself in a fate she had greatly feared; she had become a sex toy for the biggest mafia around. Needless to say, this period of time was hell for Kathryn, and she purposely chooses to not remember much of it. However, an opportunity eventually arose, which Kathryn was very eager to take; during his sleep, she murdered him without remorse, making sure he knew that it was her, and that it was 'repayment' for everything he had done to her. With him dead, the Briant Mafia had a massive power vacuum that needed to be filled - something Kathryn was very eager to fill herself. The Briant Mafia soon found itself being re-branded as the Verna Mafia. With this much power, Kathryn essentially anointed herself with the self-title of 'Queen of the Underworld.' Despite said title, there were many other criminal organizations that opposed her control, and as such, the Verna Mafia is currently embroiled in the Great Mafia Wars with most - if not all - other criminal organizations.

Kathryn @ Me
Art/Design @ Rriava
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Comments: 9

fredje323 [2016-09-27 04:46:52 +0000 UTC]

Hmm.... She's gonna shoot me, isn't she?

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Goddess-Marissa In reply to fredje323 [2016-09-27 07:50:26 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

floopygoober [2016-09-25 18:24:05 +0000 UTC]

She's very pretty

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Bigdogandhammer [2016-09-25 15:30:39 +0000 UTC]

looking sexy XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Goddess-Marissa In reply to Bigdogandhammer [2016-09-25 15:37:15 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

mysterysneeze [2016-06-18 13:52:15 +0000 UTC]

Her fingers are very interesting to me. The face design looks pretty, and her clothing patterns and coloring is great ^^ The way her horns and her long hair turned out I enjoy

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

BandBSketches [2016-06-18 08:47:49 +0000 UTC]

Very nice!
I like her long hair X3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

StardustLightseeker [2016-05-17 02:59:00 +0000 UTC]

She is very pretty!
(I will reply to the RP as soon as I am allowed on the computer long enough to type a good RP response. ) 

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Goddess-Marissa In reply to StardustLightseeker [2016-05-17 07:05:40 +0000 UTC]

She is indeed very pretty.

(Alrighty )

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