Goddess-Marissa — Sarrah

#animal #anthro #deer #fantasy #female #oc #sarrah #xerneas #aroxinori
Published: 2016-08-01 13:13:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 995; Favourites: 22; Downloads: 0
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Description INFO: Sooo, yeah. Sarrah here is basically the poster-child of my main 'somewhat' unique race, the Lanias. They're... An interesting fusion of all kinds of animals... So yeah.

Name: Sarrah
Gender: Female
Race: Lanias
Species: Royal Lanias
Age: 30 Lanias Years old (300 Human years old)
Residence (Current):

Her Chambers,
Lanias Mothership,
The Inner Core, Axonar, Aroxinori.


(Current) Queen of the Lanias Remnant.
(Current) Avatar of Rhiamon.

Affinity: Neutral-Good
Other Forms: Feral Form
Significant People:

Rhiamon: Birth-Mother. Goddess-Figure.
Arcturus: Andronite-I Supplier.

Likes: Her fellow Lanias, close friends, cider (Andronite I), her family, respect, honesty, peace, technology, prosperity.
Dislikes: Bland drinks (vodka), intimidation, war, lacking technology.

Strengths: Immune to getting drunk, shape-shifting, powerful psychic, persuasive, loving, loyal partner.
Weaknesses: Fear of her loved ones being hurt, relatively easily intimidated, not fully mastered her Transformation yet.

Elements: Psychic (Complete Mastery)
Powers: Telekinesis, Apportation, Transformation (Decent Mastery), Ultimate Mimic (All four are Psychic Powers)


Sarrah is able to use her mind to move an object of her choosing. This ability is restrained by her power; she can lift up to 10 times her body mass with ease, but any objects made with Apportation cannot be manipulated this way.


Sarrah is able to materialize, teleport or dissolve simple objects of technological nature; Sarrah is unable to affect anything more complex than a small vehicle with this ability. Anything moving at a high speed (speed of a bullet launched from a pistol of any caliber), or with a shield around it cannot be dissolved or teleported by the power. The tech level of the created object is also automatically made to be equal to that of the average in the universe, meaning items with futuristic nature cannot be utilized. Unique objects cannot be created, teleported or destroyed, and only five objects can be 'bound' to Sarrah (by any kind of action being applied too it.) These objects cannot be enacted upon by telekinesis.


Transformation is an extremely hard to control power, even for Sarrah. It is, in essence, a mix between Telekinesis and Apportation: Sarrah can change and re-arrange the molecules to change her appearance. It takes a short while to transform but once transformation is complete, one nearly can't tell the difference between the actual being she's imitating, and Sarrah herself. Due to limitations to how the power works, Sarrah MUST know both Telekinesis and Apportation, and have a decent degree of mastery over them - which she does - before she can even start using Transformation in even the slightest way. She knows both abilities to a decent degree of mastery, and as such, is able to utilize Transformation to... A decent degree of mastery. Sarrah must also have seen the creature that she seeks to become - or at least have its visual features ingrained in her memories somewhere. Not even Sarrah has mastered Transformation, due to how intensive the skill is; she has to obtain Complete Mastery of both Telekinesis and Apportation, and THEN completely master Transformation - a feat that Sarrah has not yet accomplished.

Ultimate Mimic:

Sarrah is able to mimic the target completely, and - due to her Psychic mastery - copy a special ability of that target, due to her unique nature, is able to use other Psychic powers while mimicking the target. Unlike normal Master wielders, Sarrah can use this special ability for half an hour, and the ability has a twelve hour cooldown. This is due to her Royal Blood. This means that while a unique ability like Dark Fire could be copied by Sarrah, she can only use it for thirty minutes, before losing it, but then isn't able to use Mimic again until twelve hours have passed. Mimic will only copy the weakest ability when in normal use, and cannot copy abilities used by Godlike beings. When Ultimate Mimic is used, it will copy the strongest special ability of a Mortal (such as Setta's Dark Fire) but still will not work on a Godlike being. Mimic is incapable of copying abilities that entail transformations, such as the Rage Form of Adyats.


Sarrah is a Lanias that commonly uses her beauty to get her way in life, knowing full well that she's an extraordinarily pretty Lanias, and knowing exactly how to use it. That said, she doesn't use her beauty for malicious reasons; she's a true sweetheart to those she accepts into her personal circle, and will sacrifice anything for those she loves, because she values friendship highly - even more highly than anything else in her life, really. She will use her looks when somebody gets onboard her ship though; she has a Seduce or Flee mindset towards anything; she will either flee (unlikely) or use her body to seduce the intruder into leaving her ship peacefully. Most of the time, she chooses to seduce a target, being as she has a high success-rate with it. Sarrah is very easy to approach and get along with, and as such, she has a natural love for people as a whole, being able to get along with virtually anybody without issue, due to being extremely intelligent in the art of understanding people, and being able to see what they're trying to convey to her, with virtually no issue. That said, she is extremely shy and awkward around new people she doesn't know, and it usually takes the other person talking to her for a while to thaw the ice and get her speaking to then normally. This isn't unique to her - it tends to be a trait all Royals have. She is also able to be very persuasive with people, being able to use her 'silver tongue' skill to get most people to do whatever she wanted them to do by a young age. She's an extremely fragile lady emotionally; she acts very tough and doesn't get affected by much in public, but in private, it's well known for her to cry her eyes out over even the tiniest of things. Sarrah - while being very good at being able to make friends - is extremely picky about which of those friends she accepts to do roles in her private life; she tends to pick candidates herself for all the main roles on her mothership, for example.

Sarrah has a natural connection with animals - being one herself - and is seemingly able to - like most Lanias - converse and interact with wild animals and befriend them. Where she differentiates, is that she has a natural connection with the more... Exotic animals, which a Commonwealth Lanias is unable to obtain. As such, she is able to befriend the exotic animals of the universe, including wild dragons such as Raywith Destroyers - one of the rarest and wildest type of dragon in Axonar. Sarrah is exceptionally zealous, worshiping Rhiamon to an extensive amount, this is due to her upbringing, however. Sarrah isn't particularly after a significant other (though she is on the lookout for one, but only for making a royal family, so it's low on her priorities, considering how long she can live) but she loves romantic things. Sarrah is a very charismatic speaker, being able to instill hope and distill fear and desperation with her speeches, even when in times of grief, such as a war.


Sarrah was born as the first Royal Lanias known to exist in centuries - Rhiamon directly conceived her and birthed her personally - with the help of Aurora - to lead the Lanias race once more in a century where a leader would be needed - and the first one that could potentially start her own royal family. Only the oldest Lanias' remembered the last Royal Lanias, so it was an amazement in just how many ways Sarrah was actually unique in comparison to the other Lanias' around her; she didn't have 3 powers, but rather, 4 unique ones: Telekinesis, Apportation, Transformation, and Mimic, the latter of which has never been seen before in the history of the race. She didn't excel too greatly in school, being an average learner in every subject except languages; by the age of 8, she had mastered three unique languages - Laniese, Adyati and Universal English. She was, however, exceptionally talented at making new friends, but very picky about who she trusted on a personal level. She also found that by the age of 15, she was able to persuade virtually anybody to do what she wanted with her silver tongue. Most of these talents were due to Rhiamon choosing the young Lanias to represent her in a physical sense, which is easily told with her larger-than-usual antlers. Every Lanias has a preferred alcoholic beverage - it's a fact of life that the race loves alcohol, due to having Psychic energies that prevent them getting drunk, but allow the pain dousing to work to lower pain from minor wear and tear on their antlers - and as such, so does Sarrah; she loves any and all ciders, but has a specific cider that she adores above all others, Andronite I, an extremely rare, and profusely expensive cider produced in Androni distilleries.

At the age of 20, Sarrah found her love for animals; she had liked animals on a thematic level due to being one herself, but when she was able to get close to some of the animals of the universe, she found her true love for them, as well as her affinity for being able to befriend and ride exotic animals around. She also found out about her unique mindset to threats; while most Lanias' have a 'fight or flight' mindset; fight a foe or - more often than not - run in exactly the opposite direction, Sarrah had a 'Seduce of flee' mindset; she would flee or - more commonly - flirt and seduce any potential threats, using violence as a last resort to everything. When she turned 25, Rhiamon manifested herself to the entire ruling council of the Lanias Mothership, and decreed that Sarrah should be crowned Queen of the Lanias Remnant. As such, the Council of the Lanias nation complied, and within a few months, Sarrah began to be taught - by Rhiamon herself - the art of ruling the Lanias nation, and after a few years of training, she was crowned Queen at the age of 27.

Sarrah @ Me
Arcturus @ fredje323  
Art/Design @ Rriava 
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Comments: 4

fredje323 [2016-08-14 13:01:35 +0000 UTC]

Haha I love Sarrah XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Goddess-Marissa In reply to fredje323 [2016-08-14 13:02:06 +0000 UTC]

I know very well that you love Sarrah xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

fredje323 In reply to Goddess-Marissa [2016-08-14 13:09:41 +0000 UTC]


👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Rriava [2016-08-09 19:57:40 +0000 UTC]

She's just a lovely OC, you made an amazing description of her! You are too talented at writing stories and backstories and descriptions! I Just started to read it but it's too long I have to find more time for these interesting descriptions!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0