GreenAngel5 — Here's TJ

#oc #tj
Published: 2021-09-03 14:09:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 370; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 0
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Random background was way too much fun! The blending! I was stunned at the blending of the markers and I love it

So, here's another male OC by the name of TJ and he's the other familiar of Spring. He more of the quiet type and holds lots of secrets-one of which he gave to Spring, who he has the most trust and respect for. A lot of times, I see him more like a spy-he connects with spiders and can hear and see thru them to get information, which he passes along to Spring. He was the first to met with Spring and has made a promise to her that he'll find what she's looking for. Unfortunately, he found out what would happen 'If' he found it-rumor has it, he actually found it and would monitor to make sure that no one else would find it as well-like Shawn and Greenie. Very dependable and loyal kind of guy, but one's first impression of him is a spooky evil dude that you don't want to mess with-which is what he aims to look like-it also helps that there aren't many who are a fan of spiders.

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