GT647 — Young Giganta and the Atom - Part 3 The Stomach

#comic #fantasy #female #food #giant #giantess #ginger #human #macro #male #man #science #stomach #vore #woman
Published: 2019-05-27 07:25:53 +0000 UTC; Views: 21679; Favourites: 139; Downloads: 53
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Description Dr. Palmer is inside the stomach of young Giganta!

She continues to eat her lunch sending chunks of it down her esophagus bite after bite.

She knows the tiny Doctor is inside her belly but wonders how will he get out?

Having a tiny Man exit her rectum as she sits on the toilet was one thought.

Ms. Doris has a huge appetite and knows the more she eats the more waste the body can produce.

She liked the idea of having Dr. Palmer stuck inside the thick heavy waste as it travels through the colon.

Ms. Doris is going to enjoy eating more food knowing the tiny Doctor may take a day or two to exit her body!
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Comments: 1

JamesZorranFan789 [2021-05-26 16:58:59 +0000 UTC]

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