Title: What If Ariel turned into sea foam instead of a happy ending?
Ariel: Yes, This is the only way... I have to return to the sea, where I was born; where I've belonged... Only through my death will I keep my love for the prince true, and pure... And then perhaps, when I had turned into sea foam, foam upon the waves, I must yet find a way to be of service to my prince, and then to others... For though, his heart must never ever be meant to be still mine, never the less, I wish I can be learned by the meaning of true love... I wish to be with him, and then around him, always, even if this is only in the form of a clear, fine, Sea Foam... Farewell, King Triton... Scuttle... Farewell, Aquata, Andrina, Arista, Attina, Adella, and Alana... I'm sorry I wasn't supposed to meet you tonight yet... Farewell, dear brave Flounder and Sebastian... So long, sweet Prince Eric... May the happiness be yours...